Water lily WHITE

nymphaea alba

Water lily WHITE (nymphaea alba) - HIPERnatural.COM
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Water lily WHITE
nymphaea alba
Family: Ninfáceas.

Description aquatic plant with fleshy rhizome horizontal, thick, submerged in sediment, with the scars of fallen leaves. The sheets, fitted with a cylindrical largísimo petiole, are circular or oval, solitary, ACORAZONADO at the base. The flowers, solitary, with a long stalk, are white to pink, with sepals and lanceolate oval, oblong large petals. The fruit is a capsule submerged, which contains seeds oval. Common in ponds, lakes, springs, flowing water, marshes, and so on. Its development in height depends on the depth of the water. Is collected in summer and autumn.

Used parts: Rhizome and flowers.

Chemical compounds: Ninfalina, ninfeína, resin, tannins, starch, chlorophyll.

Directions: Anafrodisíaco, soothing, parasimpatholytic.

How to use: Infusion, dyeing, fluid extract, distilled water.

Of interest: The rhizomes with several years of age can be eaten because of its high concentration in starch. The seeds are toasted and used as coffee. The flowers are preserved in brine. The action seems anafrodisíaca currently recognized, and therefore, this species is useful in nymphomania and in the genital ERET.

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