tabebula avellanedae

PAU D'ARCO (tabebula avellanedae) - HIPERnatural.COM
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tabebula avellanedae
Plant native to Brazil. cultivated in some countries of Central America. The bark is used primarily, but can also be used at the root.

Fitoconstituyentes contains the type of activity guaianólidos with some stimulating renal (diuretic) It also contains flavonoids and saponins, as well as digestive enzymes of the type of peroxidase, pectinase and invertase and hormonal substances of estrogenic activity not yet identified.

Contains alkaloids with some antidepressant activity and bitter substances (tecomina) with hypoglycemic activity. It is, moreover, I anabolic, hipocolesteromiante, digestive, liver normotensor and protector. He was also given analgesic effects, anti - inflammatory, antioxidant (cornasol) stimulating the immune system and breeders of oxygenation and cellular energy.

It is used as an adjunct in the treatment of diabetes, fatigue, stress, dysmenorrhea, rheumatism, skin diseases, certain infections (herpes simplex, vaginitis, and so on. Fungi.

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