ricino ricinus communis

TÁRTAGO OF VENEZUELA (ricino ricinus communis) - HIPERnatural.COM
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ricino ricinus communis
Other Names:

Alcherva, Castor, Catapucia Mayor, Cherven, Croton, Higuera del Diablo, Higuereta, Higuerilla, Palma de Cristo, lice del Diablo, Querva, Tártago of Venezuela.

Diosgórides, in the first century AD, already knew the laxative properties of castor oil, but until the eighteenth century did not begin to use in Europe.

Habitat: originates in tropical Africa, and spread to temperate regions around the world. Cultivated for medicinal purposes.

Description: herbaceous plant in temperate regions, shrub, and even tree in tropical regions. It belongs to the family of Euforbiáceas. It is characterized by large sheets palms. Its fruits are surrounded by thorns and contain 3 seeds in it.

Used parts: the oil from the seeds and leaves.

Properties and indications: the seeds of the castor beans contain about 50% of oil, ricinina (an alkaloid) and ricin, a highly toxic glycoprotein (together the red blood cells) that remains in the pulp of the seed after extracting the oil.

At the recommended dose, the castor oil produced, about two hours after ingestion, a mild laxative effect, not irritating, without cramping or retortijones. Effectively resolves cases of constipation, even in children. However, when it comes to habitual constipation, it is preferable to adopt dietary measures and other laxatives softer. It is also very helpful to expel intestinal parasites.

Externally, both the oil as the leaves of the plant are emollients and healing. They are applied in case of eczema, herpes, rashes wounds, burns, and anti - baldness, both in lotions and in cataplasms.

Use: as a laxative, 5 to 10 grams. Oil on children, and 15 to 30 in adults, taken in the morning fasting.

Externally, in lotions with oil on the skin affected. Also in cataplasms with crushed fresh leaves.

Precautions: ingestion of 3 seeds can be fatal to a child, and 10 or 15 for an adult.

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