dríada dryas octopetala

TEA SWISS (dríada dryas octopetala) - HIPERnatural.COM
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dríada dryas octopetala
Other Names:

Swiss tea.

The peasants of the Alpine country par excellence, Switzerland, the Dryad used since time immemorial as to alleviate the digestive and intestinal cramping. The Dryad is so resistant to cold that grows even in the Arctic regions of northern Europe.

Habitat: originating in the Arctic regions of Europe, but is scattered by the mountainous regions of central Europe. In Spain is in the Cantabrian mountains and the Pyrenees. Unknown in America.

Description: perennial plant of the Rosaceae family of 5 to 15 cms. tall. Its stem is woody and trailing, and the leaves reminiscent of the oak, but are smaller. The flowers are large, solitary, with 8 petals and yellow stamens.

Used parts: the leaves.

Properties and indications: the leaves contain tannin and minerals, which include soluble silicates. They are snacks, digestive and astringent. The tea that is prepared with them (Swiss tea) is highly regarded in the following cases:

Digestive Disorders: dyspepsia, empachos, intestinal colic (retortijones) and bad digestions.

Bucofaríngeas affections: tonsillitis (angina) pharyngitis, oral thrush and various inflammations of the oral mucosa (stomatitis) In these cases applies in the form of gargarismos.

Usage: infusion of 30 grams. leaves per liter. water; make 3 cups a day before meals. Gargarismos: using the same infusion, but more concentrated (40 to 50 grams. Liter)

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