
Disease information

Pharyngitis - HIPERnatural.COM
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The pharynx is an organ located in the throat and although it comprises of the digestive system in where its main function is the swallowing of foods, by its location, shares functions of the respiratory system and the sense of the pleasure.

The pharynx can become inflamed for many reasons, that they can be infectious, of smoking much, environmental, like the exhibition to dust, smoke of the cigarette and other polluting agents, to sing in excess, by allergies, to have polyps, oral cancer that is of the mouth or throat and other reasons.

Also one becomes inflamed like result of other diseases like varicela, the paperas, difteria, herpes or by diseases of sexual transmission, like clamidia and the gonorrhea.

When the pharynx gets to become inflamed by infection, generally it must to an infection caused by virus or bacteria, in this case takes place a faringitis.

The faringitis can begin after an infectious process like gripas, resfriados, tonsilitis in which case receives the name of faringoamigdalitis, or by other diseases as the infectious mononucleosis or disease of the kiss or by some of sexual transmission like the gonorrhea.

Between the virus most common that they cause faringitis are: rinovirus, coronavirus, adenovirus, influenza and parainfluenza.

When it is caused by bacteria, most common they are: estreptococo hemolítico beta, neumococo, mycoplasma neuminiae, estafilococo aureus and haemophylus influenza.

This disease affects of special way to children and young people between the 4 and 15 years, although also it appears in adult people.

It is transmitted by means of the gotitas of saliva that an ill person expels when speaking, toser or to sneeze, reason why is very important to learn to cover the mouth and nose, mainly when toser or sneezing, to avoid the dissemination of the microorganisms by the air.

Although the faringitis of viral origin affect much during the winter time, also usually are increased those of bacterial type during the change of stations, mainly in the spring.

Most frequent they are the estreptocócicas faringitis, that pronounce by the fast irritation of throat and very acute pain accompanied by fever.

Generally, this type of infection appears between the 5 and 25 years of age and if it does not treat suitably, it can propagate to other organs and cause irreversible damage to the heart and to the kidneys.

One of the most serious complications of the faringitis is the rheumatic fever, disease that affects the heart.

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