Infectious mononucleosis

Disease information

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Infectious mononucleosis
Infectious Mononucleosis.

An infectious viral disease that affects the respiratory system, liver and lymphatic system.

Young adolescents and adults (10 to 40 years)

To call to the doctor if.

It happens the following thing during the treatment:

Fever (more of 38, 9º)

It has constipation.

It has strong pains in the left superior abdomen during 5 minutes or more.

It has difficulty to breathe or to swallow by a serious inflammation of the throat.


Spontaneous treatment in 10 days to 6 months.

The fatigue usually persists during 3 to 6 weeks after the other symptoms have disappeared. Some patients undergo a chronic form where the symptoms persist during months or years.


Meningitis or encefalitis (rarely)

Diagnosis mistaken with infection of throat by estreptococos, which would be in a treatment with antibiotics as useless as unnecessary.

Perforation of bazo, with the consequent surgery of emergency.

Diagnosis and treatment.

Sanitary precautions.

Car taken care of after the diagnosis.

Medical treatment.

Hospitalization (rarely)

General measures.

In order to alleviate the pain throat, it makes gárgaras frequent with tea strong or tempered salt water.

Much to move the intestine does not make an effort. It could harm to him if it has bazo hipertrófico.


In slight annoyances, it can use medicines without prescription, like paracetamol or metamizol.

It does not take aspirins, could be related to the syndrome of Reye.

If the symptoms are serious, his doctor him can prescribe a short treatment with cortisone.

The treatment with corticoids presents / displays many contraindications and precautions, reason why it must prescribe it its doctor to it.


Keep bed, mainly if it has fever.

Return gradually to its normal activity.

Rest when one feels tired.

It does not participate in violent or debilitating sports until at least 1 month after the total recovery.


There is no special diet.

It can lose the appetite while he is ill.

Maintain an ingestion adapted of liquids. Drink at least 8 glasses of water or juice to the day; more in the periods with high fever.

Systems of diagnosticos.

Its own observation of the symptoms.

Medical file and physical examination by a doctor.

Analysis of blood.


A contagious virus (Epstein - Barr virus) that transmits itself by contact between the people, like a kissing, sharing the food or to toser.

Signs and symptoms.


Pain throat (hard sometimes)

Loss of appetite. Fatigue.

Inflammation of the lymphatic glands, generally in the neck, armpits or ingles.

Hipertrofia of bazo.

Hipertrofia of the liver.

Yellow Ictericia with skin and eyes (sometimes)

Headache. Generalized pain.

Factors of risk.


Disease that diminishes the resistance.

Fatigue or excess of work. The high incidence between university students and military recruits could be due to the lack of rest and the hacinamiento.


Avoid the contact with people who suffer of infectious mononucleosis.

If it has mononucleosis, avoids the contact with people with immunodeficiencies, to avoid that they take the mononucleosis, that in their situation can be very serious.

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