taxus baccata

TEJO (taxus baccata) - HIPERnatural.COM
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taxus baccata
It's called "the tree of death by toxic substances that contain all its organs, including the crust. It was said that the birds pecking in their stems turned black, but also that nailing a nail into the trunk of copper were nullified the evil effects.

Outbreak of yew, and detail to the left of the male flowers and in the center of the arilos fleshy, fruit. The female flowers are greenish and can be found at the bottom of the main bunch. All parts of the yew tree, except the flesh of the fruit, contain toxic materials such as taxina, which can only be used in the pharmaceutical industry.

A yew beautiful note. As an ornamental tree planted in some European countries are in cemeteries.

It is an evergreen tree, with two feet, a male, which gives male flowers and, according to tradition, is the tree of the male and a female foot that gives the fruit. For the same reason, it is the tree of the ladies. It grows in the shade, so in ancient Rome is consecrated to the gods underground, and hence the plant in cemeteries, custom which is still preserved in some places, as in Britain. Very longevity, it is said that you can live more than a thousand years.

FEATURES: Tree lordly attitude, which can reach 15 m in height and a trunk diameter of 1. 5 m. The stalks grow very slowly; lumps are formed from many small ones that have recently merged. The branches, extended and pendants, are populated by small oblong leaves. The fruit (which is just how the tree stand female) is a small berry (fleshy fruit with seeds inside it, like the grain of grape) red, very showy. The jacket of fleshy berries is the only part of the plant that is not toxic, which allows the birds to eat and, with excrement, contribute to the spread of the species with the seed, protected from gastric juices and indestructible with digestion.

LOCATION: Lives in all parts of the world, the former in Australia, in the shady slopes of mountains, in damp, especially to where the moisture comes from Niel only developed in Calcareous soils. Other times, there were many copies in Western Europe, in what is now the Netherlands are now no more than a few copies too long.

ACTIVE: The whole plant, from the root until the last sheet, including the bark and branches, whose sole exception of the fruit flesh, contains toxic substances, especially the alkaloid taxina. They also found taxicantina glucoside. In the pulp of the fruit (the only non - toxic) has been isolated ephedrine alkaloid stimulant to the respiratory.

MEDICINAL PROPERTIES: More than toxic, the taxina is poisonous, however, is not the same for all animals, because while for the man and horse, for example, it is highly toxic to ruminants or rabbits and hares seems does not affect them at all. A plant stimulant abortion and menstruation. It acts on the nervous system, to paralyze the heart muscle poisoning is manifested by an initial phase of euphoria, with increases in heart beats, moving to a second in which the pulsations decreases until it stops the heart.

COLLECTING: It blooms in spring, and the fruit takes six months to mature, but it is not appropriate to collect leaves, branches, flowers and fruits because its toxicity is uncontrollable.

USES AND APPLICATIONS: It should never be used as a remedy homemade yew, or the flesh of the fruit, because a seed would be enough to pollute. Only specialists can make a syrup from the fruits without seeds for use as relaxing breathing, with applications in asthmatic processes.

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