
mimosa albida

Shameful (mimosa albida) - HIPERnatural.COM
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mimosa albida
Mimosa albida Humb. and Bonpl. ex. Willd. Fam. Leguminosae.

Mainly it is recommended for sterility, delayed or irregular menstruation, vaginal secretions or reduce fever using the cooking of the root, alone or mixed with leaves to take or make physical washed; also is used by cooking mouthrinses, three times a day, against oral diseases. Other popular uses of this plant were dysentery to relieve the pain of kidney and bladder; for these cases are boiled branches and roots for its ingestion as tea or bathing and washing in the affected parts.

Shrub up to 2 meters high, with the trunk and branches covered with very curved spines, and their young branches have pelillos. Their flowers originate globoid pods where the fruits are contained. Lives in warm climates, temperate and semi. Grows associated with the tropical deciduous forest, evergreen, Xeric scrublands, mountain cloud forests of oak and mixed pine.

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