cúrcuma curcuma longa

YUQUILLA (cúrcuma curcuma longa) - HIPERnatural.COM
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cúrcuma curcuma longa
Curcuma longa L.

Other common names.


Botanical family.



Perennial herb, acaule, aromatic rhizomes with bright yellow on the inside. Leaves with long petioles; limbo oblong or elliptical, 30 to 50 cm long and 8 to 18 cm. wide, narrow toward the base and acuminate at apex. Yellow flowers clustered in spikes striking baseline, accompanied by violacé bracts. Capsular fruit, globose, 3 - valve; ovoid seeds, commonly Arel.


Geophytes of the rhizomes. It blooms from July to October and has not been observed formation of fruit. After flowering the foliage is dried (December - January) and reappears the next year between May and June.


Scarcely grown in Cuba. Occasionally escape from cultivation, especially in mountainous regions of central and eastern regions.

Useful part.

The rhizome.

Properties valued experimentally.

System: Pharmacological Action:

Digestive hepatoprotective.

Route of administration.


Other properties attributed.

Antithrombotic, anti - inflammatory, hypoglycemic, antiesclerótica, antihepatotoxica, diuretic and carminativa.


Dust from the rhizomes can produce allergy by skin contact. The toxicological evaluation is incomplete.

Other Uses.

As a condiment (curry) The rhizomes contain a subject dye yellow. It was also used as an indicator to determine the acidity of half (changed from yellow to red Carmelites in the presence of alkalis)


The rhizome contains an essential oil - rich monoterpenes (borneol, camphor, terpineno and others) and Sesquiterpenes (tumerona, atlantona and curcumenol)

Preparation and dosage.

Use it in traditional form.

Bibliographic references.

Granda, M. et al. phenological studies on medicinal plants. Medicinal Plants 19 Rev: 53 - 64, 1989.

MINFAR: edible wild plants. La Habana. FAR printing, 1987.

Reynolds, J. E. F. editor) Martindale. The Extra Pharmacopoeia. London. The Pharmaceutical Press, 1989, P. 1896.

Robineau, L. Towards a Caribbean pharmacopoeia. Sto. Sunday: Enda - Caribe / UNAH, 1991, P. 136.

Roig, J. T. Medicinal plants, aromatic or poisonous to Cuba. La Habana. Ed. Scientific - Technical, 1988, P. 1125.

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