Disease information

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Food allergy.

Allergies are an immune system response to certain substances that in the absence of this "sensitivity" especially, are harmless.

These reactions may be innate or acquired.

Food allergies are those that are caused by the intake of substances to which they are allergic (allergens)

The symptoms can appear within minutes or even up to two hours after the intake of food.

In some cases, symptoms may not appear until one or two days later.


The allergic reaction can be caused by eating food or substance.

The foods most commonly involved in allergies are:

cow's milk,

the egg whites,


the soybean or sesame,

tree nuts such as walnuts, peanuts, almonds, the sunflower,

fish and shellfish,

melons or.


Signs and symptoms.

Diarrhea (common)

Abdominal pain (common)

Bloating and swelling (common)

Skin rashes.



Swelling of the face (especially my lips) hands and feet.

Pollen allergy, asthma, coughs.

Nausea and vomiting.

Headache, migraine.

Dizziness or fainting.

Risk Factors.

Other allergic problems, family heritage or allergy to some type of food.


Identification and elimination of food responsible for the allergy.

Infants who are started on solid foods when they are older, they tend to have fewer allergies.

Diagnosis and Treatment.

General Measures.

Delete any suspicious foods from your diet for two weeks (or until symptoms disappear) and then go back to taking food again one by one to see if the symptoms reappear.

The analysis of skin may be useful to identify the cause of food allergy, but they often give false positives (ie, you can give positive in the analysis of particular food even if it is not really allergic to it)

Patients with severe allergies to certain foods should be extremely wary of such foods to avoid.

Bring with you a set with a syringe containing epinephrine in case of accidental ingestion of food by damaging if an allergic reaction.

Consider carrying a medical alert bracelet or a medal hanging from his neck to indicate allergic problem.


There is no medication for the treatment of food allergies, but your doctor may prescribe a medication to relieve some of the symptoms.


There are no restrictions.


Avoid foods that cause allergy. Carefully read food labels. With this disease are advised to follow the diet follows:


Anaphylactic reactions (difficulty in breathing, heart irregularities, sudden drop in blood pressure and collapse)

Reaction with hives or eczema.

Bronchial asthma.

Intestinal inflammation (gastrointestinal symptoms)


Children often develop a hypersensitivity to certain foods at the age of two to four years.

Adults with hypersensitivity to certain foods (especially milk, fish, shellfish and tree nuts) are less likely to develop allergies.

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