Disease information

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It is the inflammation of the joints caused by the deposit in its interior of úrico acid crystals.

Its presence causes pain, reddening, heat and swelling.

It can affect any joint, but most frequent and typical it is the metatarso - falángica (first) of the big toe of the foot (Podagra)

It is 20 times commonest in the man.


In case of not following any treatment:

Deformed and paralyzed joints.

Stones in the kidney.

Inflammation of the bones, ligaments and sinews.


The first crisis can last few days; the recurrent crises are common when any treatment or hygienic measures is not followed to reduce the úrico acid levels in the blood.

The symptoms can be eliminated by means of a treatment.


Avoid the factors of risk in all the possible one.

Avoid to eat great amounts of rich úrico acid foods like.






Diagnosis and treatment.


Analysis of laboratory:

analysis of blood for the control of the úrico acid levels and the liquid of the joints.

x - rayses.

to escáner of bones.


The objective of the treatment is to control the symptoms and to discover the underlying cause.

Use compresas you cold on the doloridas joints.

Avoid the weight of the bed clothes on the doloridas joints placing a rod that elevates sheets so that the joints do not graze to him.


Anti - inflammatory medication steroid not to control the inflammation of the doloridas joints; the Indometacina is particularly effective.

Medicines with medical prescription can be used, like colchicina or prednisona, to control the pain in case of an acute crisis.

For some patients a medication is applied long play, like alopurinol, with the intention of reducing the úrico acid production; or probenecid to increase the excreción of úrico acid on the part of the kidney. These medicines have important indirect effect.


Noncomma liver, mollejas, kidneys, anchovies nor sardines.

Drink daily of 10 to 12 water glasses. The great amounts of water maintain tinkles it diluída (what it helps to prevent stones in the kidney)

It does not take spirits, in special beer or red wine (they can make worse or detonate a crisis)

If you are obese, you follow a diet of loss of weight under the pursuit of your doctor. It does not make any diet of shock: a whip stall of weight could cause a drop crisis to him.

With this disease it is advised to follow the following diets:

Poor diet in purinas.

Factors of risk.

Medicine use:

Diuréticos (to tinkle) like, for example, hidroclorotiacida.

Some antibiotics.

Anticancerous, mainly in the treatment of cancers of the blood.

Some diseases of the blood, like policitemia and the leukemia. Familiar file of drop.

Greater men of 60 years.


Several diseases, like:

The thyroid problems.

Diseases of the kidney.

Some anemias.


High sanguineous pressure.


Diseases vasculares.

Treatments with radiation or surgery.


A high úrico acid level in the blood due to the increase in its production or to the reduction in its elimination by the kidneys.

Signs and symptoms.

Sudden appearance of an acute pain in the inflamed joint, normally in the base of the big toe of the foot or in greater joints.

The pain is exquisitely sensible (any rubbing returns it unbearable)

The affected joints are reddened, are warmed up, appeared very tense fans and.

The skin that covers the joints also is reddened and shining.

In cases long play they appear deposits of úrico acid underneath the skin, in auricular pavilions and back of the hands mainly; they are denominated "the tofos gotosos".

The excess of úrico acid in the blood causes the stone appearance in the kidneys.

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