STONES in the kidney

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STONES in the kidney - HIPERnatural.COM
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STONES in the kidney
Stones in the kidney.

They are solid particles that form in the kidney and which sometimes they move until uretra (tube that connects the kidney with vejiga)

The size of these stones varies of 1mm to several centimeters of diameter.

They can appear one or more stones.

It affects greater adults of 30 years and one occurs more frequently between the men.


The great stones normally remain in the kidney without showing symptoms, although they can get to damage to him.

The small stones easily are expelled through uréter by means of tinkles it.

The stones that are not the quite small thing to be expelled easily, cause a winding pain that normally stops in few days.

In case that the stone stops and blocks tinkles it, it will have to be eliminated to avoid greater damages in the kidney.


Infection of the urinary routes.

Infection extended to the blood.

Permanent damages to the kidney, needing in this case the surgical elimination the same one.

Repetition of the episodes by reproduction of stones.

Diagnosis and treatment.

The diagnosis tests will include:

analysis and cultures of tinkle,

x - rayses of the abdomen,

ecografía of the kidney and the urinary routes,

to escáner or TAC and.

intravenous urografía.

Strain it tinkles with a filter of paper or a gauze to detect the passage of the stone, or, tinkles in a crystal container, looks for and it recovers the stone rejecting tinkles it. Llévele the stone to its doctor so that it analyzes his composition.

It will not be necessary to follow a specific treatment in case of isolated small stones that they do not present / display complications by obstruction or infection.

The treatment to eliminate greater stones, in case that they were not expelled spontaneously and they were causing complications, infections or fort pain, contemplates the siguentes options:

The chemical, useful dissolution for determined types of stones and slow.

The endoscópica extraction of the stone, for calculations not very great.

The percutánea nefrolitotomía, incision on the stone to extaer it, in the cases in that it is accessible by this method.

The extracorpora litotricia of shock (for calculations of high situation) avoids the surgery, but sometimes it requires many sessions, and the pieces are expelled by via natural, which can be painful.

In rare occasions, the open surgery.

New therapeutic options are being developed at the moment.

The stones produced by hiperparatiroidismo require the surgical elimination of the abnormal weave.

General Measures.

The heat calms the pain, introdúzcase in a full hot water bathtub.

Drink much water during the attack, will facilitate the expulsion of the stone.



Antispasmodics to relax muscles of uréter and to help the expulsion of the stone (sometimes)

With dependency of the type of stone (with calcic content, stones of úrico acid or other compositions) a medication will be prescribed to him that stops the growth of existing stones or new stones.

This often implies a long program for whose success its strict pursuit is important.


If you know that you have stones in the kidney, she avoids situations in which a sudden pain can put to him in danger, like for example raising by dangerous stairs, working roof top or beams.

During an episode of stone in the kidney, it follows assets, it does not remain in bed, the activity can help him to expel the stone.


For all the types of stones, it drinks a minimum of 13 glasses of liquid, better pure water, to the day.

Avoid the water lasts (with much cálcio) of the Mediterranean zones.

It is recommended to follow a diet low in fats and fiber discharge.

According to the verified composition of its calculations:

Of calcium or phosphorus, it avoids milky products, the dry chocolate and fruits.

Of phosphates, an acid diet will maintain tinkles it slightly acid.

Of uratos, a alkaline diet will maintain tinkles it slightly alkaline.

With this disease it is advised to follow the following diet:

Diet in the nefrolitiasis.


Drink of 3 to 4 liters of liquid every day, preferably pure water.

Avoid milky milk and products if it has a stone of phosphorus or calcium in the kidney.

Avoid excessive perspiration.

Treat a possible underlying drop.

Signs and symptoms.

Episodes of cólicos pains (intermittent) and forts every few minutes.

The pain appears normally first in the back, right under the ribs.

During several hours or days, the pain follows the course of the stone through uréter towards ingle.

The pain stops when the stone has happened.

Frequent nauseas.

Rest of blood in tinkle it.

It tinkles it can appear dark or cloudy.

Factors of risk.

Diminution in the volume of tinkles it due to the dehydration or to the dry and warm time.

Inadequate diet (with too much calcium)

Familiar stone file in the kidney.

Hiper - paratiroidismo.

Excessive alcoholic consumption.

Rest in bed for some reason.

Geographic zone of residence (In Spain, the Mediterranean zone, by the hardness, content of calcium, the water)


In most of the cases, the underlying causes are not known.

It can be related to the following factors:

Excess of salts in tinkles it.

Drop (it tinkles and stones)

Obstruction to the passage of tinkles it at any level.

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