
Chicory () - HIPERnatural.COM
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Other Names:

Amargón, spindle, Radich.

Chicory is one of the most beneficial plants, and to its extraordinary medicinal properties is bound to provide a pleasant alternative to coffee. In times of shortage, a lack of expensive coffee, was used this humble plant is not taken in much esteem, perhaps because they are so abundant and cheap.

Habitat: Very common at the edges of roads, ribazos and dry land. Typical of the temperate zones of Europe and America.

Description: herbaceous and perennial plant of the family Compositae, straight stems, which usually reaches 50 to 60 cm in height. The flowers are a beautiful blue, and their petals just fine on five points, closing at night or when inclement weather. Any parts of the plant, including its latex, have a bitter taste.

Used parts: the tender leaves and root.

Properties and indications: known since time of the Egyptians, and applied for their pharaohs, this plant was described by the great Galen of "friend of the liver. " Both the leaves and roots contain inulin and levulose, carbohydrates that promote the functions of the liver. But the bulk of its medicinal properties are due to the bitter principles contained therein, which act by stimulating all the digestive processes.

In the stomach acts as eupéptica, increasing the secretion of gastric juices. Hence, heavy digestions for a more effective chicory tea after eating a teaspoon of bicarbonate. In addition, taken before meals, is a potent cocktail, which opens the appetite of children and adults.

In the liver promotes the secretion of bile (action colerética) needed for digestion of fats. In addition, the active portal circulation and decongest the liver.

In the intestine, active movements (laxative action) A cup of chicory fasting in the morning, helps to overcome laziness and intestinal constipation. It also offers some worming action that helps expel intestinal worms.

So the signs of chicory are not hungry, gastric atony, heavy digestions, dyspepsia and biliary due to a defective functioning of the gallbladder, liver with management, portal hypertension, constipation, intestinal parasites. Chicory also has a mild diuretic effect and depurative, so it is indicated in cases of gout and arthritism.

Use: You can take the leaves raw in salad cut before flowering, which have a pleasant bitter taste. They can prepare attractive salads wild as opening a ferocious appetite, which may include dandelion and garlic, aligned with lemon and olive oil. Those who want a more drastic action, they can take the juice of fresh leaves, you get press on a cloth, or in blender. It is very bitter, but there is not hungry that he resists. For lack of appetite is recommended to take half a glass before each meal. In infusion of leaves and roots, fresh or dried, at a rate of 30 grams. per liter of water. They take 2 to 3 cups per day, as an aperitif before meals; as a digestive after. This tea must be sweetened as little as possible in order to get the most out of your stimulant bitter taste.

The root of chicory, which starts in the fall, dried, roasted and crushed, serves to prepare the "chicory coffee. " It can be mixed with barley malt, which gives it a flavor all the more enjoyable.

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