Disease information

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Dermatitis herpetiformis.

Chronic inflammation of the skin that is characterized by clusters of small blisters pruriginosas.

Parts of the body that affects.

This condition is hereditary but not contagious or cancerous.


It does not affect children.


Unknown, although it could be a disorderly immune system.

Signs and symptoms.

Abrasions with the following characteristics:

In small clusters of 5 to 20 ampoules.

The blisters typically measure of 2mm to 6mm in diameter.

The clusters appear on the same sites on both sides of the body.

Sting, though not usually painful unless it is complicated.

Risk Factors.

Exposure to the heat and humidity increase the frequency and severity of attacks.


So far it has not been able to prevent.

To avoid the recurrence of symptoms, continue taking medication as directed and avoid wounds to the healthy parts of the skin.

Diagnosis and Treatment.


Visit and physical examination by a doctor. Biopsy (taking a skin sample for examination under a microscope)


General measures.

Soak the affected parts in cold water or apply cold compresses to soothe the itching.


To soothe the itching, you can use drugs without a prescription, such as:

Steroid lotion little powerful in small doses, ointment and cream.

They reduce the inflammation and itching in 24 to 48 hours.

Topical anesthetics and topical antihistamines.

They produce quick relief in the short term.

Could cause sensitivity in the skin, although lidocaine and pramoxina do not usually do.

Lotions containing phenol, menthol and Canfor (such as calamine lotion) These are painkillers, and should use them with care.

In large quantities can be absorbed by the skin to the bloodstream, and become toxic.

To control the formation of blisters, your doctor may prescribe oral two drugs: dapsone or sulfapyridine.

Either should be used indefinitely.


There are no restrictions except to avoid excess heat and moisture.


If you reduce the gluten, reduce the amount of drugs going to need.

With this disease are advised to follow the following diet: gluten - free diet.


People with dermatitis herpetiformis can also be a condition of the small intestine (without symptoms) which pathologically resembles that of patients with intolerance to gluten.

The biopsy (diestivo tube) is the only way to distinguish between them sometimes.


It is a chronic disease.

Treatment can control symptoms, including itching, but not cure the disease.

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