Disease information

DYSFUNCTIONS male sex - HIPERnatural.COM
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They are the sexual alterations that some men suffer and who prevent that their coitales sexual relations, he is to say those that involve an erection, penetration and eyaculación are satisfactory and / or placenteras.

They can be due to organic, psychological factors or like effect of some disease and between the main ones, being more frequent they are:

the impotence or eréctil disfunción.

the precocious eyaculación.

the slowed down eyaculación.




organic and yatrogénicas Causes of the impotence.

The sexual disfunciones are problems in human the sexual answer, anyone of their phases and involve desire, the excitation, the erection and orgasmo. They affect the relation of pair, the integral health, the self - esteem and the development of a total erótica life.

So that a man considers that he has a problem of sexual disfunción, must have some problem that is pronounced by several occasions since all the men possibly can experience some problem or fails in the sexual answer, of such form that would be being been speaking of a sexual disfunción when the problem appears during at least three months and of persistent way.

According to their origin, the masculine sexual disfunciones can be classified in:

Upheavals of desire: when the problem talks about to the lack or excess of desire, to have sexual relations. Among them they are hypoactive sexual desire, hyperactive sexual desire.

upheavals by aversion to sex.

Disfunciones or upheavals of the excitation: when by no stimulus they feel excited or they obtain an erection.

Disfunciones or upheavals of orgasmo: like anorgasmia masculine, precocious or delayed eyaculación.

sexual Disfunciones or upheavals by pain: disparemia masculine. Disfunciones sexual due to diseases medical or produced by medicines, drugs.

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