Disease information

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The acute ictérica Hepatitis or hepatitis comúnempieza generally with manifestations of some gastrointestinal disease, like nauseas, vomits, abdominal pain, lack of appetite and fever.

Later muscular pains begin, of head and faringitis. It tinkles it becomes of dark color and the lees or fecal matter one appears with pale color, almost white.

After two or three weeks, the skin, the eyes and mouth become of yellowish color, to this is called ictericia to him. Some children feel much comezón in all the skin, reason why it is necessary to help them to mitigate it so that they are not hurt when rascar it.

If the symptoms appear of spontaneous form can be thought about a hepatitis of the type To, whereas if they are slow, it can be a hepatitis of the B type.

This type of hepatitis, usually is lasted between 4 and 6 weeks and in some cases it only extends up to three months.

The anictérica Hepatitis is most frequent of the virales hepatitis, it does not present / display symptoms and only by means of a blood analysis it is possible to be identified.

The colestática Hepatitis, is very little frequent. It is characterized by an intense yellowish coloration of the skin, the mouth and the eyes, fever and much comezón. Although it can last several months, the disease does not leave sequels.

The prolonged Hepatitis, is that in which the symptoms last by more than three months and until almost a year.

The sudden Hepatitis appears both to weeks of the beginning of the ictericia and affects the nervous system, causes problems in the coagulation and causes the diminution of the size the liver.

The subsudden Hepatitis, appears between the two weeks and three months of the beginning of the ictericia and also it causes damages to the nervous system, in the coagulation of the blood and the liver.

These two last ones, are caused in adults, mainly by the virus of the B type, and in the children by virus of the type To mainly.

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