Disease information

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Herpes genital is a disease of sexual transmission of ulcerosa type that affects the skin or of the genital or anorrectales mucous. Simple type 2 is caused by the virus herpes, although in some cases also it causes type 1.

The transmission of the virus takes place by direct bonding of the skin or the mucous, with infected secretions and appears of two to seven days after the sexual contact with an infected pair and the first symptoms are prurito (ronchas) irritation and ardor in vulva, vagina and in the anal zone, accompanied by ulcers or blisters that are very painful.

The symptoms begin with comezón or ardor in the infected area and later appears small blisters or ulcers that to break it form humid injuries on the reddened skin.

These injuries contain great amounts of the virus and can appear in the glúteos, thighs, hips, fingers and eyes, like result of the dissemination and autoinoculation of the virus.

Also it is pronounced with muscular headache, malaise, pains and sometimes increase of the temperature in addition to inflamción of the ganglia ingles.

The homosexual people or that practices anal sex, can also present / display injuries in the rectum.

After days they burst, they are dried and they disappeared, they been able to cause fever, pain when tinkling, inflammation of the lymphatic ganglia and general malaise and after days they become little deep cutaneous ulcers that last of one to three weeks.

The diagnosis becomes by means of exploration and analysis of laboratory of the cells of the vagina.

The transmission is basically by means of the sexual relations and is recommendable to avoid all contact, even using preventive) when there are wounded vesicles or in vulva, anus or mouth. Although it has not been verified well, does not discard I infect in odorless public who have been used by ill people.

Herpes takes place by a virus and therefore total treatment does not exist, always remains latent, reason why although the vesicles disappear in weeks, the virus follows present in the organism and can appear once in a while.

The symptoms can be dealt with antivirales medicines to diminish the annoyances and to make vesicles less painful.

If one worsens it can be complicated. During the pregnancy the risk of abortion or premature childbirth rises. Herpes sistémico can cause mental delay, neurological deterioration and until the death.

When the childbirth agrees with an acute phase, the gynecologist usually makes a Caesarean one to avoid that the boy infects when happening through the channel vagina since can cause blindness to him.

Stress inflicts a loss of defenses and can favor the development of new buds.

The virus dissemination affects mainly to people with deficiencies in its immunological system, is to say with low defenses and can cause damages in the lungs, kidneys, liver, joints and other parts of the body.

Although it does not exist cures for herpes and the sores take in healing and return to appear, with an suitable medical treatment, the disease can be controlled so that the pain and the annoyances are smaller.

IMPORTANT the content of this note is informative and it does not replace the medical diagnosis, reason why we do not become people in charge on its use.

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