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The inflammation is a fisiopatológica answer that is pronounced by a set of tissue changes that take place like protective mechanism of the organism in answer to tissue aggressions of diverse origin: traumatismos, chemical agents, allergies, infections.

The inflammatory reaction is physiological, habitually reversible; nevertheless, it can be harnessed when going to the injured zone more cells and mediators implied in the same one, giving rise state of to an acute or chronic inflammation.

When the cronifica inflammation or immune mechanisms are taken part, also participate in her the mastocitos that can cause a massive tissue answer.

In the inflammatory reaction several components participate:

Cellular elements: as much polimorfonucleares neutrófilos, as the eosinófilos, monocitos, lymphocytes and plaquetas has a defined affluent paper in the inflammatory process. On the one hand, they release part of the mediators who take part in the inflammatory process as they are the interleucinas, cininas, complement, proteolytic factors of the coagulation, enzymes, etc. This liberation takes place as a result of the direct action of the harmful agent on the cells or like secondary reaction to one first aggression. On the other hand, the cells of the reticuloendotelial system, polimorfonucleares, tissue monocitos and macrophages, surround to the harmful agent and they fagocitan it.

Tissue mediators of the inflammation: the injured cells release mediators who appear in almost all the cells of the organism and whose action produces in the zone the typical effects of the inflammation: increase of the local sanguineous irrigation with reddening of the zone, increase of the vascular permeability with exit of liquid and proteins and production of edema, increase of the temperature, pain in the zone by sensibilización of the nervous completions and quimiotaxis or phenomena of attraction of more inflammatory cells than aggravate the nociceptivo process. These mediators are: histamina, 5 - hidroxitriptamina, prostaglandins (E2 prostaglandin: PGE2) prostaciclinas (PGI2) tromboxanos (tromboxano A2: TXA2) leucotrienos (leucotrieno B4: LTB4)

Most of the mediators is synthesized in the organism from a fatty acid that comprises of the phospholipids of cellular membranes: the araquidónico acid.


1. Classic treatment: antiinflammatory nonesteroideos (AINEs)

They are a drug group with analgesic, antipirética and antiinflammatory activity, with effectiveness different for each one from these three effects according to the drug.

Nonesteroideos Antiinflamatorios like salicílico acetil acid, fenilbutazona, indometacina, etc, inhibit the synthesis of mediators of the inflammation at level of the enzyme ciclooxigenasa, but its effect is variable according to the inflammatory pathology since when not blocking the enzyme lipoxigenasa, continues acting like inflammatory mediators the leucotrienos.

These drugs can produce gastrointestinales upheavals like gastric pain, digestive ulcer and hemorrhages, reason why new less aggressive galénicas forms look for (with enteric cover, of slowed down liberation, etc.

2. Fitoterapia.

The fitoterapia proposes numerous medicinal plants with antiinflammatory properties. It generally agrees to associate them among them to obtain a more effective therapeutic effect.

Harpagofito, Willow, Queen of the meadows and black Grosellero could be recommended.

Plants adapted for this disease.


Queen of the meadows.

Black Grosellero.

White Willow.

Pumpkin (seeds)

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