INJURY IN Achilles tendon

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INJURY IN Achilles tendon - HIPERnatural.COM
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INJURY IN Achilles tendon
These people, are generally victims of their predilection by the fashion with high shoes with needle heel or very thin and what they cause is to injure the sinew of Aquilles, call thus by the legendary Greek hero, who was invulnerable to any pain, less in this part of the foot, in where flechazo him cost the life.

A healthy foot leans in three points, one located behind the powerful bone of the heel where the main weight and in the front part takes shelter of the foot, the other two points are at the end of first and the fifth metatarsiano. But in the deformed feet the pressure moves to other points and causes acute annoyances and pains.

The sinews of Aquilles, are very sensible and strong, they transport much weight and sometimes when it abuses them, they react with pain and inflammation.

This sinew communicates muscles of peroné and the calcaneus, bone that takes care of which we pruned to put to us of end and to return to lower the foot. Unlike other sinews, the one of Aquilles lacks a protective coating, with which he is specially prone to receive wounded and to undergo inflammations, the blows in this part are very painful and few people have escaped of pisotón or to be run over by the carts of the super market or the carriolas, without feeling an acute pain to which humor is reacted badly with anger and.

The shoes with very high heel and / or of needle, harm specially this sinew, because the transmission of the muscular tension only works when the sinew is tense and the position that the high heels force reduces of important form the distance between the departure point of the sinew in the calcaneus and peroné, so that the transmission of the force with the relaxed muscle is very difficult.

In order to tighten the sinew, the muscle of peroné upwards makes an intense additional movement on its ligament which causes in addition a pain in peroné when force too much the muscle to peroné.

When high heels and / or of needle are used frequently, the sinew is used excessive respect in the departure point towards the muscle and the excess of weave is disappearing little by little, until finally it reaches a length that no longer requires the additional movement.

In worse of the cases the this it can lead to a permanent reduction of the sinew, with which it is impossible to use shoes with lower heels and when one becomes, the pain in the sinew and heel of foot is become serious by the inflammation of the weave, which in extreme cases deforms the feet and in these cases the leveling with high heels, he will be as annoying as little elegant.

IMPORTANT the content of this note is informative and it does not replace the medical diagnosis, reason why we do not become people in charge by its use.

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