Disease information

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Malignant tumor of the lymphatic cells.

Affected parts.

He is commonest than the Disease of Hodgkin.

Age Affects all the ages, but it is commonest in men in the group of forty.


Strangers, although the investigations aim at that in some cases the leading factor can be an infection by virus.

Also they are more frequent after the successful treatment of a Leukemia.

Signs and symptoms.

Swollen, painless lymphatic glands, I pretend in any place of the body, although more commonly in the armpits, the neck or ingles.

Loss of weight.

General malaise.


Digestive hemorrhage.

Ictericia (yellow skin and eyes)

Factors of risk.

Men of more than 40 years.

Survivors of a Leukemia.


Preventive measures do not exist.

Diagnosis and treatment.


File and physical examination by a doctor.

Analysis of blood and the spinal marrow.


Biopsy of the lymphatic node.

X - rayses, T. A. C. or R. M. N. of the different parts from the body that can be affected.

Sometimes a "exploratory laparoscopia" is made, to estadiar the disease suitably, although it is less important that in the Linfoma de Hodgkin.


General measures.

Try to stay optimistic in referring to the treatment and the its possibilities of treatment.

A good mental disposition is a powerful ally.


His doctor can prescribe anticancerous drugs.

Perhaps the medication causes indirect effect or adverse reactions in some people.

Some new symptoms can be caused by medicines, the original disease or a new disease.

The indirect effect by medicines usually disappear when its body adjusts to the drug or when this one is interrupted.


As active Manténgase as their forces allows.


There is no a special diet.

Warn its medico if.

It happens the following thing during the treatment:


Signs of infection (reddening, swelling, pain or sensitivity) anywhere of the body.

Swelling of feet and ankles.

Annoyances when tinkling or diminution of tinkle it in 1 day.

It thinks that the medicines are causing him symptoms.


Extension of linfoma to other parts of the body, which can cause:

Renal insufficiency.

Intestinal Malabsorción.

Circulatory problems.


Usually it can deal with x - ray and anticancerous drugs.

If it is cured, the life expectancy is normal.

The treatment possibilities vary according to the type of cells that appear in the biopsy of the lymphatic node and the importance and extension of the disease when doing the diagnosis.

Consult its doctor.

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