Myasthenia Gravis

Disease information

Myasthenia Gravis - HIPERnatural.COM
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Myasthenia Gravis
Miastenia gravis.

Muscular affection mainly in the face and the head, with increasing fatigue and weakness according to is used muscles.

Affected parts.

It affects mainly to the musculatura of around the eyes, mouth and throat and the extremities.


It affects to adolescents and young adults of both sexes, commonest in the women.


An upheaval autoinmune.

Tumor in the thymus (only new born)

Signs and symptoms.

Edemas palpebrales.

Double vision.

Loss of the normal face expression.

Difficulty to swallow.

Weakness of arms and legs.

Difficulty to speak with clarity.

Respiratory difficulty.

Most of the reactivations they appear after a brief period of normality of the muscular function and get worse with the use of muscles.

Factors of risk.

Medical antecedents of other upheavals autoinmunes.

Some cancers, mainly of thymus and lung.

New born and nursing of mothers with miastenia gravis.

The symptoms disappear after 2 to 3 weeks.


Still it has not been possible to come up.

Diagnosis and treatment.


File and physical examination by a doctor.

Analysis of antibodies in the blood and electrical tests in muscles.

X - rayses of the chest.

Therapeutic test of drugs with anticolinesterasa.


Surgery to extirpate the tumor in the thymus, when it exists.

Plasmaferesis during the crises.

General measures.

As far as possible, it continues making a life normal.

Inscríbase in an aid group.


His doctor can prescribe:

Drugs with anticolinesterasa to recover the normal muscular function.

Overdoses can cause weakness.

Drugs with cortisone when the symptoms get worse.


Without restrictions.

Follow as active as it is possible to him.


There is no a special diet.

Warn its medico if.

They appear difficulties to swallow or to breathe (it by hand has drugs with anticolinesterasa for emergencies when the symptoms arise)


Breathlessness by difficulties to swallow.

Respiratory paralysis.


This ailment is incurable.

Nevertheless, the symptoms can be alleviated or be controlled.

After an improvement a worsening can arrive.

The life expectancy is reduced, but the patients often live many years with the disease.

The scientific research follows its course, and it is hoped to be able to get to find a treatment and cures effective.

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