Disease information

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One of the most annoying and exhausting symptoms of the respiratory diseases, without a doubt some is the cough. It prevents to speak, it causes noise, it does not let sleep or, it hurts the throat and it causes pains chest and thorax when this is strong, persistent or lasts long time. In addition it not only affects to who it suffers but to that coexist with the person.

Difficult to treat, the cough has affected during the last year 47 million people, of who half is young minors of 14 years and it calculates that approximately 40% of the adults present / display a picture of cough to the year, generally during the season of cold.

The cough is air the unavoidable expulsion of the respiratory routes to release them of any obstruction, reason why it is not a disease in himself, but a reaction of the organism and a signal of alarm.

In many cases it must to the excessive existence of known thick liquid like flema, that forms in the bronchial conduits, but also can be caused by an attempt to undo of dust, polen, smoke and other polluting agents lodged in the lungs and until like a reaction that allows to save the life, when some foods or liquid penetrate in the trachea and obstruct the breathing.

The cough is the first manifestation or alert signal that appears when the air that we aspired is contaminated, contains virus or bacteria or is very cold and when entering the lungs through the nose and the mouth, it activates our mechanisms of defense to defend itself of the strange agents.

Between these mechanisms of defense are thousands of very small vellosidades known like cilia, that are in the mucosa of the nose and whose function is the one to act like a barrier so that bacteria, dust and other polluting particles cannot penetrate to the respiratory system. The cilia turn out to be effective against infections of the nose, sines for nasals and bronchi.

Nevertheless, the movement of the cilia can be deteriorated or to diminish by the cold, the tobacco, to suffer resfriados constants, by lack of exercise, drinks you cold or by the consumption of antihistamine and when this happens, it appears the annoying cough that with its force tries to expel the pathogenic agents.

Also one appears like product of the inflammation, resequedad of the throat or by the presence of some element that blocks the passage of the air to the lungs.

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