diente de leóntaraxacum officinale webe

REDWOOD CHICORY (diente de leóntaraxacum officinale webe) - HIPERnatural.COM
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diente de leóntaraxacum officinale webe
Other Names:

Bitter chicory.

Used the leaves and roots. Two main actions of this plant: positive effect on the liver and biliary disorders, by actions and colerética colagogas, as well as on the kidneys, because of its diuretic action, perhaps due to a stimulating effect on the enzyme source. It seems that it has a stimulating action of pancreatic secretions. It is also eupéptico and slightly laxative. It was also thought to have a protective effect on the connective tissue justifying its effectiveness in chronic rheumatism. The leaves have demonstrated in vitro antiviral action. It is used in cases of insufficiency and hepatobiliary congestion, as a preventive of litasis bile, slow digestions, constipation. Oliguria, rheumatism, gout, obesity, arteriosclerosis. Skin diseases (acne, eczema, furunculosis, herpes)

It takes a salad of leaves, or juice of fresh plant, thus benefitting all its vitamins. The dried are taken at a rate of one tablespoon per cup of soup cooking, three times a day.

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