
Aconite () - HIPERnatural.COM
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Other names:

Castilian: Acónito, matalobos, amapelo.

Portuguese: Acónito, napello, a hood.

Italian: Aconito.

French: Aconit napel, aconit tue - loup, CASQUE of Jupiter, napel bleu.

English: Monkshood, aconite, Wolfsbane, blue rocket, Friar's cap, Auld's wife fled.

Dutch: Monnikskap, duivelskruid.

German: Eschter sturmhut, blauer Eisenhut, Eisenhut.

Italian: Aconito, risigallo, napello.

Probably, many of the poisonous potion in vogue in times of the Romans have contained acónito And that CVL century died a few shepherds in Ia Iberian peninsula by eating meat that asarone using a dry branch of acónito as a support.

Acónito talk about is talk of poison. We are facing a plant with beautiful flowers, very striking in the wild, as it stands out for height and beauty of the accompanying it. But their venom is deadly.

CHARACTERISTICS: The mushroom in winter, but it retains its perennial root, from which emerges a new stems in spring. In fact, it does not have a single root but two bulbous rhizomes (precisely because of its shape bulb, as a turnip, is called napelo) The leaves, with many divisions and branches, similar to those of parsley, are arranged around a stem of a meter in height that arise also populated with numerous some twigs blue flowers. The fruit is composed of three pieces, like peas, joined by the base. When mature, open and shed seeds. It is also called napelo and matalobos.

LOCATION: Lives in the high mountains along the watercourses and in wet meadows.

ACTIVE: It has some specific alkaloids forming what has come to be known Aconitine. They are found throughout the plant, but especially in the bulbs that form the roots.

Medicinal properties: The Aconitine is one of the most toxic alkaloids that are known. It acts on the central nervous system exciting so far as to get to cause cardiac arrest. However, at appropriate doses, can be used to combat pain, cough or asthma, also has anti - rheumatic properties.

COLLECTING: While Aconitine is found throughout the plant, the bulb is the most interesting, because each plant has two or more, all suitable for the extraction of alkaloids, and support leaving it buried one of them to get a new plant following year. The best time to harvest is at the end of winter.

USES AND APPLICATIONS: The simple touch of the plant with the latter irritates the skin and should therefore be avoided touching it with bare skin and, of course, do not touch food without having to wash their hands before. Therefore, it is not advisable to use as a home remedy. They must be specialists who handle the plant and the alkaloids extracted.

USES AND APPLICATIONS: The simple touch of the plant with the latter irritates the skin and should therefore be avoided touching it with bare skin and, of course, do not touch food without having to wash their hands before. Therefore, it is not advisable to use as a home remedy. They must be specialists who handle the plant and the alkaloids extracted.

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