Savory WHITE

ajedrea blanca  satureja fructicosa

Savory WHITE (ajedrea blanca  satureja fructicosa) - HIPERnatural.COM
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Savory WHITE
ajedrea blanca  satureja fructicosa
Its height ranges between 1 and 2 spans. It has a white appearance as it is coated by a pelusilla that color. He has a strain that lasts for a long time and which offspring are born every year. The leaves are oval - shaped, are affected and join the stems through a corner. Their size varies depending on where they are, being the largest that are closer to the strain, while those of the extremes are much smaller. One grows among limestone rocks and dry river channels. The savory white flowers are very small they are grouped together in bouquets that are born on the leaves of the tops. Are formed by a cup of tubular form with a size of up to 3 mm. At the extreme is very jagged and has a kind of tuft of hair that stands out. Its smell, very nice and strong, reminiscent of mint. Picked the flowers and leaves at the end of June, taking care not to spoil the strain to return to flower the following year. Place in the sun for the deseque and kept wrapped in cloth and stored in a glass jar. Does not usually go because it is not too delicate a plant.

This plant has been used mainly in Valencia and Catalonia; outside Spain is virtually unknown.

It is good remedy for stomach problems and is used to make good digestions to relieve pain or feel bad when some food. Previously it was thought that was a very effective remedy against snakebites and against rabies, but today it is proven that this is not true and that their effectiveness in these cases is nil. Their flowers are used in many places, most of all by its pleasant smell of menthol.

Infusion: Put 30g. the savory white to boil in a pint of water for about 30 minutes. Slip the remains of the plant and allow to cool. It is recommended to take three cups a day after meals.

Powders: The crushing plant to convert it into fine powder and mixed with three others, obtaining a "powder against rabies" that cured the rabid dog bites and that also constitute a remedy for the poison of the snakes. This is a very old prepared that he has no real effect.

Antiseptic. Healing. Palatable.

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