
Artichoke () - HIPERnatural.COM
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The artichoke is a herbaceous plant very close to the thistle common in terms of morphology. It is generally believed that the alcachofera is a horticultural product born of man by experimentation. As a plant sprout again every year last winter and misses a large rosette of leaves are deeply divided segmented though less than those of the thistle and with fewer thorns.

These leaves are light green and covered in the lower face of some very fine white hebrillas, which are like a cobweb that more white the color of the leaves. The stem is round, with a few leaves, and at the top appear very large cones that are artichokes, covered with numerous bracts coriaceous.

It blooms in summer. For purposes of collecting foodstuffs interested in the cones, but for medicinal purposes is preferred to collect the road, this characteristic has a bitter taste, very strong and persistent. It is better to pick the leaves of the first year, since they are much richer in active ingredients.

In the composition of the alcachofera are like phenolics caffeic acid, chlorogenic and cinarina, which is a mixture of two acids. There are also some flavonoids and acids. The properties have cinarina colerética and colagogas, hepatoprotective and cholesterol levels. Artichokes, like the ribs of thistle, are an excellent food, especially for diabetics as they contain inulin instead of starch. The syrup was found in the leaves and flowers in the flower receptacle and even in the stalk that sustain them. In addition, the artichoke is hypoglycemic, meaning that decreases the amount of sugar in the blood. A latest discovery in connection with the road the alcachofera refers to the properties it has in the states artery, and in its preliminary stages. This is due to their action on the metabolism of the aurea and cholesterol. It also said that the fleshy bracts of the cones, raw foods, have an inhibitory action on acid secretion in the stomach, but this has yet to be studied. In general is especially good at: anorexia, dyspepsia, hepatitis and other liver problems; cholelithiasis, oliguria and constipation. Is contraindicated during lactation, as bitter that the principles incorporated in its composition can pass into milk.

Juice of leaves: This is the most recommended home remedy. The juice is extracted from fresh leaves of the alcachofera and mixed with sugar water or wine to mask the bitter taste. To this juice was decongest the liver and you reduce the sugar in the urine of diabetics.

Infusion: It took 10 gr. of fresh leaves and added to a liter of boiling water; this infusion can have a cup before the main meal. If the infusion will be used as hepatoprotective, it can double the amount of fresh leaves. The bitterness can mask with mint.

Fluid extract: From 30 to 45 drops, two or three times a day.

Hepatoprotective. Laxative. Diuretic.

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