
armuelleatriplex hortense

Armuelles (armuelleatriplex hortense) - HIPERnatural.COM
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armuelleatriplex hortense
The Armuelles is an annual herbaceous plant that can grow up to 2 meters if the Mima much. The stems and branches are straight and hairless; the leaves have a triangular shape, with sinuous or jagged edges and are sustained by a corner that is narrowing in the branches above. The flowers are small and not very showy, but form an inflorescence spike in something he calls our attention. The fruit is reddish or black, depending on the state of maturation where it has. One grows everywhere, but is originally from central Asia.

It blooms in summer. He is considered an edible plant and its leaves are in their medicinal properties. In fact, this is not a medicinal plant in the strict sense of the word. Rather, we are faced with a plant nutrient, used since time immemorial. Gradually he was falling into oblivion, until it was necessary and was re - popularize its use. This, it seems that something strange is what most throughout history: many edible plants that occur in a particular region, when things are going well and provides better quality food, fall into oblivion, but remain in memory of the oldest of the place, if for any circumstance begin to dwindle food, then began to rediscover old recipes, which also tend to be rich in times of fasting. The Armuelles are a clear example of food needed.

But not only has nutritional benefits, is also believed that the leaves have a slight laxative and diuretic properties. They contain a considerable amount of saponins, not just the parties herbaceous, but also the seeds. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is also found in significant concentrations.

Being an edible plant, the best form of soft exploit their properties is through a culinary preparation. Thus, it is recommended to take the leaves simply boiled with a little salt and oil (best if olive oil) A vegetable is easy to digest, especially recommended for older persons needing schemes but little substance to fill the stomach. As for the possibility of preparing any infusion or any other form of administration, frankly not worth the trouble, because if you like to get Eren effects laxatives or diuretics are available from many other herbs most active.

Diuretic. Laxative. Nutritious.

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