cilantro coriandrum sativum

CILANDRO (cilantro coriandrum sativum) - HIPERnatural.COM
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cilantro coriandrum sativum
Other Names:

Anisillo, CILANDRO, coriander, Coriander.

Although this is one of the medicinal plants used for over time, because it was already in common use among the Assyrians and the Egyptians, cilantro can produce toxic effects on the nervous system (binge) if ingested in high doses. It is widely appreciated as a condiment.

Habitat: originating in the countries of the eastern Mediterranean, but cultivated and spread throughout Europe and America.

Description: herbaceous plant of the family of Umbelíferas, which reaches 20 to 60 cm in height. The flowers are white or pink. The fruit, which is characterized by its roundness, measured from 3 to 5 mm in diameter.

Used parts: only the ripe fruit.

Properties and indications: the fruits contain an essential oil - rich linalol, which is the active ingredient to their properties to be:

Eupéptica: facilitates digestion.

Carminativa: removes gases, þ antispasmodic, tonic and slightly nervous system, when taken in small doses.

Coriander has been used as worming, although it has not been able to show such property. It is indicated when:

Digestive disorders: gastritis, pancreatic insufficiency, heavy digestions, inappetence, flatulence.

In the convalescence of infectious diseases, such as invigorating and stimulating appetite.

In the halitosis (bad breath) from the consumers of garlic and onions, and smokers.

Use: as a condiment, seasoning various dishes. In infusion of 30 grams. of fruit per liter of water, a cup after each meal. Powder of nuts: swallowed a spoonful of dessert (5 gm. Mixed with honey, after each meal. In essence, 3 times a day are administered from 1 to 3 drops.

Precautions: discard the green parts of the plant. Do not exceed the prescribed dose. The essence, in high doses, can cause seizures.

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