lantana camara

FIVE BOLD (lantana camara) - HIPERnatural.COM
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lantana camara
This plant is located and is used in Central America, Panama and central Mexico. The cooking of the leaves are mainly used as a tea for stomach pain and inflammation and diarrhea, vomiting, amoebas, cramping and discomfort liver, and for cases of colds, bronchitis, coughing and whooping cough swallowed hot infusion of branches or dip taken as the root for water use. His cooking mixed with other herbs used to ease menstrual and gynecological problems. It is used in other parts of the country in the form of tea with branches or a portion of the macerated plant, to counteract the bites of Alacran or other insects, placing them directly into the affected part.

Leafy shrub up to 2 meters in height, elongated leaves, rough and finished on top. Every year presents its flowers and fruits that are rounded to mature, become black. He lives in warm climates, semi dry and mild. Its growth is wild and is associated with the tropical deciduous forest, subcaducifolia, evergreen, Xeric scrublands, thorny forest, mountain cloud of mixed pine and oak.

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