
stramonium () - HIPERnatural.COM
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The leaves.

Active Principles.

Alkaloids derived from tropano, to a lesser proportion as the deadly nightshade (0, 20 - 0, 45%) hiosciamina, atropine, Scopolamine (more than 33% of the total alkaloids) norescopolamina.

Drug Action.

Atropine and hiosciamina have an action parasimpatholytic: antispasmodic, antiasmática, midriatic, cardioaceleradora (even at low doses causes a paradoxical bradycardia) moderate amounts of blood, by increasing the peripheral resistance. It reduces gastrointestinal peristalsis. It produces a paralysis of the ureters. Decreases gastric secretion, pancreatic, and salivary sudoral. Atropine is a bronchodilator (but does not inhibit the production of histamine bronchospasm home) Analgesic is local. Scopolamine, alkaloid most abundant in the estramonio, has sedative action on the central nervous system, regarded as antiparkinsoniano.


It was used as antiparkinsoniano, antispasmodic and as a local analgesic.

Because of the high toxicity of alkaloids on it is better not to use it in allopathic doses.

Caution / Poisoning.

The whole plant is toxic, with similar action, but more violent, that the deadly nightshade.

In low - dose poisoning runs with drowsiness, disturbances in vision, loss of sensation. At higher doses: cramping pain, extreme Mydriasis, hallucination, delusion and dizziness.


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