enebrojuniperus comminus

NEBRA (enebrojuniperus comminus) - HIPERnatural.COM
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enebrojuniperus comminus
Other Names:

Junipero, Nebra.

Dioscorides, who lived in the first century AD, already knew the medicinal properties of the fruits of juniper, which certainly serve to considerably more than for flavored alcoholic beverages.

Habitat: Common in rocky terrain and in mountain forests across Europe. Naturalized in the Americas.

Description: shrub of the family of Cupresáceas, which reaches from 1 to 3 m. tall. Their leaves are evergreen, short and sharp. Its fruits, enebrinas, are balls of blue or black, taste sweet and resinous.

Used parts: the fruits.

Properties and indications: the entire plant, and berries in particular, contain an essential oil rich in terpenes. The berries contain, besides glucose, resin, organic acids and juniprina (bitter glucoside) The enebrinas have the following properties:

Diuretic: the essential oil of juniper has the effect of increasing the glomerular filtration in the kidneys, and thus the production of urine. However, large doses of juniper taken on a continuous forced the ability of the kidney filtration, and leading to nephritis. The use of juniper is indicated in cases of edema by heart failure, and as depurative to remove excess uric acid.

Expectorants and bronchial antiseptic: because the substance is excreted in large part by the lungs, enebrinas have been used as a complementary treatment for all types of bronco - pulmonary infections, including tuberculosis.

Appetizers, invigorating the stomach and Carmine.

Emenagogas: provoke a greater blood supply to the genitals. Therefore, the enebrinas are indicated in cases of weak rule or painful.

Revulsive: Applied externally in friction, the essence of juniper into alcoholic dissolution calm the pain of rheumatism and arthritis.

Use: the mature enebrinas can be swallowed whole by way of pills, 6 after each meal, 3 times daily. In infusion of 30 grams per liter of water enebrinas; take up to 3 cups daily. Essence: 2 drops are swallowed, 3 times a day. Externally, the friction essence dissolved in alcohol, from 20 to 30 drops of essence for every 100 ml of alcohol.

Precautions: it discourages its use during pregnancy and nephritis, because in high doses can produce albuminuria (emission of albumin, a type of protein in the urine)

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