Nettle MINOR

urtica urens

Nettle MINOR (urtica urens) - HIPERnatural.COM
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Nettle MINOR
urtica urens
Family: Urticáceas.

Description: herbaceous plant, not too high, with woody stems and erect covered with stinging hairs, creeping rhizomes and many roots. The leaves, pale green, are small, oval, deeply toothed, covered like the stem by stinging hairs. The flowers are arranged in inflorescences monoecious, with male and female flowers gathered in clusters with simple ovarian ovoidal. The result is an achene of ellipsoidal shape that contains a single seed. This species is born everywhere, especially on soil nitrogen, wastelands, along roads and near homes. You can reach one meter in height. Is collected from spring to autumn.

Used parts: Leaves and rhizomes.

Active Principles: Gallic acid, formic acid, carotene, vitamin C, tannin, potassium, iron, calcium, silicon.

Directions: diuretic, a lever, stinging, purifying, hemostatic, remineralizing.

Instructions for use infusion, tincture, juice.

Interesting: It is used as a plant for production of exquisite salads, after boiling. This kind of gives a high proportion of chlorophyll. From the stems are extracted fibers for apparel fabrics and strings of great endurance. It is an extremely suitable forage for many species of animals. The result has litóntrica action, while the seeds favoring the rules and have antienurésica capacity in children. In some places it is still practiced on the Urtica rheumatic pain. Effective remedy, though painful.

Nettle higher.

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