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Description: Shrub branched from the base of up to 2. 5 m. tall. Striated stalks, very flexible, gray in color - green. Leaves simple, very small, that come off soon, leaving the stem similar function. Inflorescences in very dense clusters side. Very often with flowers Corolla yellow butterflies. The fruit is a legume ovoidea, smooth, yellow and with a seed inside it normally.

Used Part.

The branches with flowers.

Active Principles.

Branches, bark: Alkaloids: Retamina (0. 4%) d - spartein (paquicarpina)

Fruits: Alkaloids (d - spartein, cystine, esferocarpina, anagitina, lupanin, retamina)

Drug Action.

Plant poorly studied scientifically. Cited as a diuretic, cardiac tonic and laxative. Popularly used as emenagogo, abortion and hypoglycemic.


While waiting for pharmacological and clinical work to deepen the knowledge of this plant, to be known and its potential toxicity (especially fruits) make its limitations.


Pregnancy, infancy, children.

Caution / Poisoning.

Its use as an abortifacient is very dangerous, toxic doses can be achieved easily.


Le Floc'h, E. Etude Ethnobotanique une contribution to the Flore Tunisienne. Imprimerie officielle de la République Tunisienne, 1983, p. 119.

Mulet, L. Toxic Plants of Valencia. Castellon: Provincial, 1997, p. 490.

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