citrus aurantium

TORONJO (citrus aurantium) - HIPERnatural.COM
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citrus aurantium

Spanish: bitter orange.

Portuguese: Laranjeira Acedo.

English: bitter orange tree, Seville orange tree, orange tree bigarade.

French: orange amer, bigardier.

Dutch: bitterorangen.

German: Pomeranzenbaum.

Italian: Arancio amaro.

Usually the bitter orange that is more aromatic sweet.

In herbal medicine also uses the "orangettes" immature fruits of green or dark brown falling from the tree before ripening.

His name "orange" nagarunga derived from the Sanskrit and Arabic narandj.

The essential oil of bitter orange tree is known as essence of néroli.

FAMILY: Rutaca.

MEDICINAL PART USED: leaves, flowers known as orange blossom, unripe fruits, nuts or pericarp of nearly mature or immature fruit.

Plant type: Perennial tree branches and irregular something crooked that they form a crown with thorns semihemisférica long and hard. The bitter orange tree, is botanically similar to sweet orange, highlighting some differences in their leaves, flowers and fruits. The petiole of the leaves of bitter orange is broader and winged, and the zest of the fruit or pericarp is thicker containing a juice bitter.

Origin: Eastern Asia, particularly in the Northeast of India. It is cultivated in the Mediterranean basin since ancient times, resulting in expanding throughout all the temperate zones of the world. By contrast, the sweet orange is originally from China, being much more widespread as crop species around the world.

HEIGHT: Between 4 and 6 m.

BLADES: In bright green and a length of between 5 and 10 cm. Acute or acuminate, oval, alternate, perennials, with slightly winged petiole.

FLOWERS: They are called flowers of orange blossom. They are axillary, white and have an intense sweet smell characteristic. They have a chalice in the form of glass and a corolla with five petals fleshy.

FRUIT: Berry Cortiço that has in its interior, 10 to 12 segments. Before it is mature green and orange or red at maturity.

Ripe fruits have the same shape and size as sweet oranges, although they are slightly darker and more rough with the pericarp, with a dense layer of white parenchyma beneath the outer crust.

HABITAT: temperate zones around the world.


In the leaves.

Essential oil. 0. 3%.

Carbides terpénicos. limonene)

Alcohols terpénicos linalol. 75% and 15% of geraniol.

Methyl anthranilate.

Compounds with bitter glycosides flavones (neohesperidine and triterpenes amrgos.

Betaine, Estaquidrina, Hesperides (glycoside flavçónico)

In the flowers.

Essential oil - rich néroli and d - limonene.

In the green fruits.

Essential oil hasat. 2. 5%.

Citric acid.

Malic acid.

In the pericarp of the fruit.

Essential oil. 2. 5% in the dried husk.

d - limonene. 92%.



esters of Linalyl.

esters of Neryl.

esters of Geranyl. 2. 1%.

Heterósidos flavones bitter.






acid auranciamárico.


In the pulp of oranges are sweet organic acids (citric acid and malic acids) Vitamin C (acórbico acid)

Leaves are aromatic, Sedative, Bitter.

Flowers are spasmolytic, Sedatives, Aromatic.

The unripe fruit is used as an aperitif and Bitter.

The pericarp are slight sedative and Snacks.

The juice (juice) of sweet oranges is Tonic, and anti antiscorbutic.

THEIR INDICATIONS: inappetence, Pregnancy (fresh fruits and juices) Postpartum (fresh fruits and juices) digestive problems (pericarp) abdominal pain (pericarp) Nausea (Pericarp) nervousness (pericarp mixed with valerian) infections (juice Sweet oranges)

WARNING: Do not know.


Infusions of leaves or flowers: 5 grams per liter of water.

Orange blossom water (Hydrolates flower of bitter orange) Up to 100 cc per day.

Decoction of bark to 10%: boil for 10 minutes and simmer 10 grams of bark in a liter of water. Let rest for a further 10 minutes. This can be mixed with chamomile tea, mint or mint sections equal to getting an excellent tea with stomach effects. If what you want is a tisane acting sedative mixed with hops and double the amount of valerian root. Take a cup half an hour before bedtime.

Essential oil of néroli: up to 5 drops per day.

Tincture: 20 drops 3 times a day.

Mother tincture 30 drops three times per day.

Fluid extract: up to 10 drops per dose.

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