cicuta  conium maculatum

CARROT FOR MONTE (cicuta  conium maculatum) - HIPERnatural.COM
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cicuta  conium maculatum
Other Names:

Baroque Julivertosa, Parsley Lobuno, Perejilón, Carrot Monte.

The hemlock is widespread and should know how to distinguish it from other plants of the same botanical family - the Umbelíferas - to which resembles: angelica, parsley, celery, carrot and even the wild. There are a number of details that can help identify it:

The stems of hemlock has in its bottom spots of red or purple.

The leaves are large and bright and are very divided.

The flowers are white and are grouped into mixed umbels of 10 to 20 radios.

The fruit is oval, about 3 millimeters of greenish - brown color and is crossed by folds.

All the plant off an unpleasant smell of urine.

HABITAT: grows spontaneously throughout Europe and America. It abounds in a cool and wet, on the banks of rivers and on the edges of roads.

Description: herbaceous plant that reaches 30 to 150 cms. tall, of the family of Umbelíferas. Its stem is hollow and finely striated.

Used parts: the fruits.

Properties and indications: all parts of the plant, especially fruits, contain several alkaloids (coniína, coniceína, conhidrina and pseudoconhidrina) plus an essential oil glycosides and flavonoids and coumarin. The coniína is the most important asset of hemlock, which is present in a ratio of 2% in fruits, and 0. 5% in the leaves. It is absorbed both orally or through the skin, by penetrating with ease. The alkaloids are herbal substances alkaline reaction. Its molecules are complex, and are made up of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen. Its pharmacological effects are very marked, and with small doses already produced toxic effects. A therapeutic doses, the coniína and other alkaloids of hemlock provide a strong sedative action, local anesthetic and analgesic. The hemlock has been used successfully to calm:

Intractable pain, such as those produced by cancer.

Persistent pain, such as those produced by the nerve.

Today, whilst we have other strong analgesics and insurance, also can be used, but always under control optional, and faithfully respecting the dosage, to avoid toxic effects.

Use: Powdered: nuts of hemlock are crushed into a powder that dissolves in water, the maximum tolerable dose for adults is of 1 gram of fruit daily, distributed in 4 shots of 0. 25 grams each.

For external use, is used in ointment which is prepared with 1 gram of crushed fruits per 9 fatty solvent. It is used as a local anesthetic in case of severe pain and neuralgia. Keep in mind that the coniína absorbed through the skin.

Hemlock poisoning: the coniína is similar in its chemical structure and its effects, another alkaloid: nicotine, found in the snuff. Both alkaloids act on the vegetative nervous system, excited and depressed after the first. From half to two hours after eating a toxic dose of coniína, is burning in the mouth, difficulty swallowing, nausea, dilated and weakness in the legs. If the dose is more muscular paralysis occurs (such as that produced by curare) and respiratory arrest and death by asphyxiation. Nevertheless, the awareness is not lost, and maintaining mental clarity until the last minute. That is why the Greeks chose this method to remove the lives of those sentenced to capital punishment.

Treatment of poisoning: as is suspected to have ingested poison hemlock, it should induce vomiting, and if possible, move quickly to a stomach wash. Administer purgatives and charcoal. Give artificial respiration mouth to mouth, if the intoxicated having trouble breathing. It is necessary to proceed with the urgent relocation of intoxicated at a hospital.

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