Disease information

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Breast cancer.

A malignant growth of breast tissue. The cancer can spread mainly to the nearby lymph nodes and less frequently to remote organs (lungs, pleura, bone, pelvis and liver)

Rare in men (but possible) and women below age 30, with the highest incidence between 45 and 65, increases after menopause. PHASES Breast Cancer.



Have described two genetic alterations that predispose to it in the genes BCR1 and 2, although they only justify less than 5% of all breast cancers (it is found the alteration in these genes in 1 of every 200 women)

Signs and symptoms.

The most characteristic symptoms are:

Asymptomatic at the outset.

Nipple retraction.

Lumps in the breast or armpit.

Bloody fluid in the teats, sometimes.

Risk Factors.

Women above 50.

Family history of breast cancer (in the group that includes patients with these genetic mutations, so maybe women with a family history significant number of direct blood relatives diagnosed with breast cancer, might be subject to tests for detecting them.

If positive, experts advise the best individualized treatment plan and follow very strict.

History of breast cancer.

Exposure to radiation.

Patients with ovarian cancer or endometrial.


Examine the breasts. Observe a regular gynecological examination / annum. Mammography base of between 35 and 40 years later in the top annual periodic review. The natural lactation reduces the occurrence of breast cancer. VIDEO Exploration mammary.

Diagnosis and Treatment.


All options should be valued and be explained in depth.


Sometimes only the surgery to remove nodules, lumps or lymph node is the solution.

Another solution is to remove the entire breast.

Radiation therapy.

Chemotherapy and hormone, in other cases.

Possible complications.

Metastases in other organs.

Adverse reactions to radiation or chemotherapy.


Most are curable if detected early.


lymph node: oval structure that filters the lymph and has a role in immune defense against infections through the production and maturation of white blood cells.

Mammography: X - ray study of the tissue of the breast in fine grain film, capable of obtaining images of soft tissue with great precision, allowing early detection of benign and malignant tumors.

mastectomy: Ablation (removal) of the breast surgery or a portion of the mammary gland. Is usually done as part of the treatment of breast cancer. During the surgical procedure, sometimes carried out jointly by the removal of lymph nodes.

metastasis: The process in which the tumor cells (see tumor) are disseminated and implemented in locations distant tissue or organ from which they originated. Metastasis unequivocally characterized as a malignant tumor.

Chemotherapy: treatment of diseases with chemicals. Usually the term is used to refer to the use of chemical agents in the treatment of malignancies.

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