Diaper Dermatitis

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Diaper Dermatitis - HIPERnatural.COM
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Diaper Dermatitis
The dermatitis of the diaper, is an inflammatory process of the skin of the glúteos, the genitals, ingles or high part of the thighs and the low part of the belly and is very frequent in the babies, mainly between the 9 and 12 months of age.

It is pronounced by a slight reddening of the skin and descamación and when the problem is greater, the skin acquires a red color and the descamación is in form laminillas. There are cases in that ulceras are developed. In all the cases he is very annoying for the babies who cry much and are developing much fear towards the moment for changing them or for bathing them.

The factors that cause it, being of the most important prolonged contact of the skin with a humid diaper are several, tinkles and the excrement, as well as the friction of the injured zone.

Other factors that they have to do with his development are: the hot climate or the elevation of the environmental temperature, the positioning of occlusive dressings and the use of detergents and antiseptics that have a irritativo effect in some children or children.

The irritation of the skin, is produced by certain enzymes, presents in the fecal matter or by the presence of the ammoniac present in tinkle it and that causes the increase of the PH of the skin.

It has been verified that the children fed with maternal milk have a smaller incidence to the dermatitis, because they present / display a lower fecal Ph.

In order to treat them suitably it is important:

To change them of diaper the most followed possible.

To awhile leave to the boy or girl without diaper so that the skin is dried well and received a little air.

To use for its cleaning toallitas dampened with lukewarm water or a special oil avoiding the soap use.

To avoid the use of diapers or plastic trousers.

To put pomada to lasso, elaborated protective creams with glycerin, oil of almonds, alantoína or oleic acid and in case of infection can be applied antimicóticas creams that the doctor suggests pediatra.

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