ocimum gratissimum l.

BASIL CLAVO (ocimum gratissimum l.) - HIPERnatural.COM
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ocimum gratissimum l.
Other names: Clove cinnamon, Cimarron oregano, basil Maroon.

Macromorfología. Aromatic leaves, ovate to elliptic - lanceolate, narrowed toward both ends, crenate - sawn, mostly pubescent, 5 to 12 cm. long and 4 to 7 cm. wide, flowers small, irregular, white, grouped in 10 tenons to 15 cm in length, located at the ends of the branches, fruit in the form of a small capsule open at its apical end, with 4 brown seeds (Fig. 1) The drug is presented in greenish - brown color with a strong smell of thymol, is composed of leaves whole and fragmented, with lots of in fruiting and flowering tops.

Ocimum gratissimum L. belonging to the family of Lamiaceae is widely known in different countries as Americans Cimarron Oregano, Basil Maroon, Basil pleasing, etcétera. 1 There are 3 races chemical rich in eugenol, thymol and citral respectively, 2 in Cuba over the thymol common is the race.

In this species was reported medicinal many therapeutic properties. A decoction of the leaves and flowering tops have been found antispasmodic action, plus other properties are attributed Drug as, febrífugo, worming and antidiarreica antiálgica. 3 The essential oil has antibacterial activity and antifúngica. 4.


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Received: Sept. 3, 1997. Approved: November 3, 1997.

Lic. Dinah Garcia. Center for Research and Development of Medicinal Products. 26 Avenue No. 1605, Plaza, CP. 10600, Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba.

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