BASIL () - HIPERnatural.COM
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Castilian: Basil, alhábega.

English: Basil, Sweet Basil, Basil garden.

Dutch: Bazielkruid, basilicum.

German: Basilic, Basilienkraut, Königskraut, Braunsilge.

Introduction: It is used against stomach cramps in children as newborns, vomiting, inflammation of the stomach and empacho; also against menstrual disorders, postpartum haemorrhage and female sterility. The treatment for such cases is to put water on to boil the leaves and take it. Other diseases are treated with Basil bronchopneumonia, colds, coughs, lung and throat irritation. It is said also that it is a good remedy for oral infections and skin ailments to the bladder, kidney, and intestinal parasites in pickets Alacran, scalp and hair loss, so they were preparing an infusion with the leaves and with the resulting liquid is good rub the hair.

Herbaceous measuring between 20 and 90 cm. tall. The leaves are thicker and longer than their flowers, located on a spike at the tip of the branches, are white; the fruits are small. It originated in Africa and Asia, but in Mexico is grown in homes and is located in warm climates, semi, dry, warm and dry, and is linked to the tropical deciduous forest, evergreen, Xeric scrublands and forests of oak and pine.

It is an unmistakable plant by the gentle aroma that follows. Originally from India, is adapted to growing in temperate climates, and while they are taking leaves and flowers for consumption, the plant can serve as an ornamental garden or a balcony.

FEATURES: annual herb that reaches 50 cm. tall, upright. The leaves, oval, have glands that secrete substance whose flavor reminds the lemon. The flowers are placed in groups of 6 surrounding the stem, white or pink, are much more aromatic leaves. It also knows the names of alhábega or real grass.

LOCATION: Although it has its origins in the Ancient East, its cultivation has spread to all countries with temperate climates, which may occur spontaneously in the mountains. Cultivated in pots, allowed to enjoy its flavor at the same time be used as a medicinal herb.

ACTIVE: The essence, rich in an aromatic compound called linalol, is at large in the flowers and to a lesser, in the leaves.

Medicinal properties: It is a stimulant, digestive and antispasmodic. It stimulates the secretion of milk. They say that to give birth without pain (or rather, to alleviate pain during childbirth) the mother should have a root basil in your hand and squeeze it tight.

COLLECTION: Leaves, at any time, as soon as they are already grown, flowers, however, must be cut into summer, as soon begin to open.

USES AND APPLICATIONS: It is used in infusion of leaves and flowers, much more effective with fresh basil, six or seven sheets for a glass of water. With a few drops of lemon and a little sugar is delicious. For the affections of the mouth, can be made gargarismos. The stews, with a few fresh leaves acquire a unique taste. It seems that repels mosquitoes, so a good place to put the pot could be the window sill of the windows.

To keep the basil in a pot, in addition to mixing the soil with sand and put a good amount of gravel on the bottom for good drainage, it is advisable to put a lot of snail shells filled with earth, because they can grow the plant winding including their long roots.

Basil, indexed from the Middle Ages between the magical medicinal plants, flowers have a little showy but is more aromatic.

The basil can be grown in a pot or garden, so it's easy to harvest and allows us to benefit from it every day.

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