prunus amygdalus

ALMENDRO AMIG (prunus amygdalus) - HIPERnatural.COM
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prunus amygdalus
Family: Rosaceae.

Description: highly branched tree, up to 10 m in height, with the bark open, flaky, grayish color. Ramifications carrying green leaves alternate, oblong, acuminate, with the margin sawing; page from bright green top and the bottom opaque. Petiole short. Often, the teeth of the blade are carriers of certain glands. The flowers, which appear before the leaves show a chalice and a pentasépalo Corolla pentapétala, white and pink. The fruit is a drupe oblong with epicarp green, tomentose, side with a groove, and endocarp woody clause that contains a seed brown with white pulp divided into two cotyledons, the distinctive flavor. This species is rare in the wild, and often grows along with the olive in the Mediterranean area. Is collected from July to September.

Used parts: The seeds.

Active Principles: fructose, fatty oil, emulsina, salts, vitamin A and B proteins. The oil is composed of olein, peptone, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and sulfur.

Directions: Nutritious, emollient, laxative, vitaminizante, béquico.

How to use: oil, milk, pulp.

Interest: The seeds (almonds) are used in confectionery. The oil, which contains tocopherol, no rancidity, and is used as eudérmico, sweet variety is the only usable in the family, since it lacks hydrocyanic acid, in contrast to the bitter variety. Waste from the oil extraction operations are an excellent dish.

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