TILE (Cornflower)

TILE (Cornflower) () - HIPERnatural.COM
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TILE (Cornflower)
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Herbaceous plant of the family of the compound, which may be annual or biennial. On average, the subway does not usually happen in height. Its stems are thin and flexible and leaves long and narrow, whitish and denticuladas. It has some cones ovoid, with the involvement of either leaves or bracts overlap, narrow, and an appendix with apical ciliate. In this flower heads are of two kinds: the peripheral, which are very ostentatious and a deep blue color, and the center, much smaller and bluish - purple color.

This grass grows almost everywhere in the north of Spain, being one of the more typical plants mesegueras. It comes from the East and was widely distributed along with many grains of those lands. It blooms from May.

For medicinal use are harvested flower chapters, namely the radial flowers, are far more blue, more concentration in active ingredients will have. Dry as possible and scattered in ventilated place for them to lose moisture quickly. In the tile or cornflower find mucilage, tannins, flavonoids and abundant color pigments, among which were the cianina.

It also appears a bitter principle and abundant minerals. It has been decided that the principle serves as a bitter aperitif and eupéptico. Flavonoids and mineral salts give the plant diuretic properties. In the composition appear to have some virtues antibiotic compounds, antipyretic and anti - inflammatory.

But undoubtedly the most popular job characteristic of this herb is in the field of ophthalmology. Thus, it is said that water from the cornflower is wonderful not only to cure the most infirmity of the eyes, especially those that are accompanied by inflammation, but also to strengthen, clarify and preserve the view, especially in people over age. This action can be related to the pigments found, which has properties to improve the circulation of the blood capillaries, and this contributes to the regeneration of the vascular layer of the retina, increasing visual acuity. Therefore, it is indicated in any eye problems such as conjunctivitis, blepharitis, and so on. Furthermore it is used in slow digestions, rheumatism, anorexia, varicose veins and hemorrhoids capillary fragility.

Infusion: A spoonful of dessert per cup of boiling water. You can take up to three cups a day. This same infusion - extreme - hygienic conditions can be prepared to make eye baths or for use as eye drops astringent. In the pharmaceutical market is in various forms, such as plant and cut vegetable extract.

Antibiotic: Diuretic. Antiinflammatory.

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