cúrcuma curcuma longa

CARMOTILLO (cúrcuma curcuma longa) - HIPERnatural.COM
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cúrcuma curcuma longa
Other Names:

Saffron from India, Batallita, Carmotillo, Dragon, Jengibrillo, root Americana, Turmero, Yuquilla.

Although it may seem strange, spices and hot sauces play an important role in the diet of people in the tropics. Without them it would be difficult to maintain, and the digestion of food in warm climates. The proper use of spices is one more example of folk wisdom.

Habitat: originally from the island of Java, but extended to other tropical countries of Asia, Central America and the Caribbean.

Description: perennial plant of the family of Zingiberáceas, which reaches up.

a meter in height. Presents from 5 to 10 large sheets, with the petiole very long. The flowers are white or yellowish. The rhizome is bulky, up to 10 cms. in diameter.

Used parts: the rhizomes (underground stems)

Properties and indications: the rhizome of turmeric contains an essential oil, pigments, a bitter principle, organic acids, resin and starch. It is a tonic stomach similar to ginger. It stimulates the secretion of gastric juices, and thus facilitates the digestion of inapetentes or dyspeptic. It is used in cases of chronic gastritis and hypochlorhydria (lack of hydrochloric acid in the stomach) It also has properties colagogas (facilitates the removal of the gallbladder) and Carmine (prevents intestinal gas) It stimulates the secretion of gastric juices, and thus facilitates the digestion of inapetentes or dyspeptic. It is used in cases of chronic gastritis and hypochlorhydria (lack of hydrochloric acid in the stomach) It also has properties colagogas (facilitates the removal of the gallbladder) and Carmine (prevents intestinal gas) In some Central American countries is used to reduce cholesterol levels.

Use: infuse with 15 or 20 grams. Of rhizomes per liter of water. Swallowed a cup during the meal. Powder is administered 1 gram daily divided into 3 times.

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