copaitera officinalis

COPAIBA (copaitera officinalis) - HIPERnatural.COM
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copaitera officinalis
Other Names:

Amacey, Cabimbo, Camíbar, COPAYERO, CURRUCAY, Marano, of Palo Balsam,

Palo Oil, Tacamaca.

In the Amazon and Orinoco, grow several species of trees of the genus Copaifera, which secrete a resin when they are pierced the trunk. By distilling the resin, you get the so - called "oil stick" or "Balsam Copaiba", which was already used in America in the seventeenth century as a remedy against venereal diseases, today called STDs (sexually transmitted diseases)

Habitat: tropical regions of South America, particularly Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, and the Antilles.

Description: beautiful tree bearing, the family of legumes, which reaches 15 to 20 meters in height. The flowers are white, and grow in spikes. The fruit is an oval pod that contains a single seed surrounded by pulp.

Used parts: the resin extracted from its trunk.

Properties and indications: the balm of copaiba contains an essential oil and resin, whose composition is dominated copaíba acid, which is excreted through the kidneys, and acts as antiseptic and antiiflamatorio on genital and urinary mucous membranes. It is effective against gonorrhea or gonorrhea male and female venereal disease that is accompanied by inflammation and irritation of the urethra (the conduit by which eliminates the urine to the outside) It has also been used as balsamic in cases of bronchitis.

Use: the balm of copaiba takes a spoonful of dessert (about 5 grams) 1 to 2 times a day.

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