guanábano annona muricata

CORROSOL (guanábano annona muricata) - HIPERnatural.COM
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guanábano annona muricata
Other Names:

Anona of Mexico, head of the Black Catoche, Corrosol, Sinini, Yaca, Zapote of Viejas.

The fruit of this tree, known mainly as soursop, which comes despite up to two kilos, contains an off - white pulp of pleasing flavor, similar to the custard apple (Annona cherimola) though slightly more acidic. It is widely appreciated for its medicinal properties and as food.

Habitat: from the Antilles and Mexico, is widespread in tropical regions of America, Africa and Asia.

Description: tree of the family of Anonáceas, 6 to 8 meters tall with a trunk straight and smooth crust. Its leaves are large, lanceolate, intense green above and whitish on the underside. The fruit is large and is covered with soft spikes.

Used parts: the fruits, leaves, and flowers.

Properties and indications: the pulp of the fruits of Soursop contains carbohydrates easily metabolized, a small proportion of protein (1%) and lipids, as well as vitamins B and C in small quantity, and minerals, especially phosphorus and potassium. They have astringent properties, colagogas (facilitate the removal of the gallbladder) digestive, and worming. It is recommended to those with hypertension, obesity, heart disease, and diabetics.

The leaves are used in infusion as antidiarrheal and as a digestive. Applied locally as a poultice, are anti - inflammatory in case of mumps.

The flowers are pectoral febrífugo and therefore are used in tea in cases of bronchial flu and colds.

Use: the fruit is taken fresh or in juice sweetened with honey. In infusion of leaves, prepared with 2 or 3 leaves per cup of water, take 3 to 4 cups a day. In infusion of flowers is enough with 1 or 2 flowers per cup of water, take 3 to 4 cups daily.

Externally, they are used cataplasms with the crushed leaves on the parotid region.

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