
crataegus oxyacantha

Hawthorn (crataegus oxyacantha) - HIPERnatural.COM
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crataegus oxyacantha
Castilian: Espino white guindita of Our Lady, peruy, chamomile.

English: Common Hawthorn.

It acts as a sedative in the arteries. Regulates the tension. Correcting poor circulation. disorders recommended in the critical age, is a sedative. It is recommended tonic in heart disease when they present arrhythmias, aid in atherosclerosis and angina pectoris.

Although originated in Europe, northern Africa and western Asia can be found in America is a tree that is up to 9 to 10 meters in height, are used leaves, fruits and flowers in natural medicine.

Active Principles: triterpenic pentacyclic acids, acids crataególico, Ursola, Neotególico, Oleanólico, Beta - sitosterol, Essential oil: 0. 16) Aldehíido anise, Purina, Adenine, Adenosine, Guanine, amines, ethylamine, Di - isobutilamina, Tri - isobutilamina, Sterols, tannins Catechists, Sorbitol, Vitamin C, amygdalin, Pectin. Flavonoids: flavanos and flavones) St. John's wort: galactic quercetol, Saponaretol, Orientol, iso - orientol, caffeic acid, Cloregénico,

Properties: hypotensive, antispasmodic, sedative of the sympathetic nervous system, Something diuretic, hipotermizante, cardiotonic.

Indications: Hypertension, high body temperature, cardiovascular system, nervous and urinary.

Preparation. In infusion.

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