anís verdepimpinela anisum

SWEET GRASS (anís verdepimpinela anisum) - HIPERnatural.COM
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anís verdepimpinela anisum
Other Names:

Sweet Grass, MATALAHUGA, Matalauva, Simiente Dulce.

The culinary and medicinal properties of this plant were already known in Egypt and Greece, although it was the Arabs who, in the Middle Ages, introduced in Spain and Europe. Andres de Laguna, a prominent physician and botanist Spanish Renaissance, which translated into Castilian and commented on the works of Dioscorides, said of this plant, among other things, that "corruption and corrects hediondez of anhélito, solves the wind and untimely Acedo the regüeldos. ".

Habitat: from the Middle East countries, although its cultivation has been extended by the warm countries of the Mediterranean. Spain is a leading producer of the world.

Description: Plant 50 to 80 cms. tall, of the family of Umbelíferas, with fluted stem and white flowers grouped in bouquets (umbels) The result is a granite oval, exhaling a delicious aroma. Although it belongs to the same family as the poisonous hemlock, it is easy to distinguish both for its scent as for its typical characteristics.

Part used: fruit.

Properties and indications: it must above all to its essence, anethole, which, however, isolated from the rest of the active ingredients of the plant and concentrated, it loses its curative, and can even be toxic (produces seizures) That is why the spirits of anise - two with manufacturing his essence, does not possess medicinal properties, and it toxic, due both to alcohol and anethole. By contrast, the fruit of anise, as it offers us the nature, is virtually free from the risks of the essence. This is due in part to that, as well as anethole, contains other substances such as phenols, malic acid, sugar and choline. These properties are:

On the digestive system: the anise is the prototype of plants with action carminativa, aperitive, invigorating the stomach and digestive tract. Clean the intestines of fermentation and putrefaction. It is part of the "tea of the four seeds, along with the caraway, fennel and coriander, and the Font Quer which states that no flatus that he resists.

For infants and children find it very effective in infusion Anis cases of foul - smelling gas or diarrhea. It is a good habit to give infusions of anise for infants, as a refresher.

On the respiratory system: expectorant. Facilitates the removal of bronchial mucus, making them more fluid. It is in asthmatics and bronquíticos. It is highly advisable to follow a plan to stop smoking, because it acts like a real antidote to nicotine and tars of snuff: clean bronchial mucus irritating and facilitates the regeneration of cells in the mucous membranes. Moreover replaced by a fresh aroma, the smell of snuff breath of just quitting.

On the mammary gland: galactógena action, namely that increases milk production. That's why ranchers give anise sheep to cows, mixing it with the feed. Curiously, the anise is removed with the milk, so that the mothers so, to take their children also benefit.

Usage: infusion of coffee with a teaspoon (3 grams) of fruit per cup of hot water that are taken, up to 3 cups per day, preferably after a meal can be sweetened with honey (the babies were prepared with the infusion 1 or 2 teaspoons of coffee nuts in a quarter - liter of water that can be sweetened with a teaspoon of sugar dessert - honey is not well tolerated by infants, and it is going to administer the child in a bottle or teaspoons in the course of the day) In essence they are taken from 1 to 5 drops, 2 o3 times a day. Powder, up to 2 grams a day.

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