plantago major

TIRE MAYOR (plantago major) - HIPERnatural.COM
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plantago major
English: Plantain.

French: Plantain.

From the family of Planatagináceas.

Expectorant and blood purifier, astringent, healing and Antihaemorrhagics.

INTRODUCTION: Plant ancient and widely used in much of the country. It is used for digestive problems for its analgesic and desinflamante, which is drunk infusion of leaves as water usage, too, is useful for desinflamar mumps, bruises, wounds and eyes. The treatment to be followed in injury and inflammation, is to place the baking sheets from encouraging, cataplasms or cleaned; sheets placed directly crushed and mixed with alcohol or oil used to rub the affected area. In cases of rheumatism, minor injuries, abscesses and bone pain is recommended to use the maceration of the leaves. Other information found on by tears tell us that relieves an upset stomach, with the baking or taken directly apply the fresh leaves.

Plant, which measures 10 to 30 cm in height. The leaves are born large and elongated from the ground from a root shaped like a sweet potato. Their flowers are tiny and are on a long stem. It originated in Europe and Asia. In Mexico, live in warm climates, temperate and semi. It grows on arable land and is associated with the tropical deciduous and evergreen forest, Xeric scrublands and mountain cloud forests of oak and mixed pine.

The name of Plantago refers to the sole, which leaves a footprint on the floor a shoe, but might also remember that there is reared by humans goes where. Therefore, we refer to the name you gave the American Indians when the plant was introduced by the Europeans and grew by going where the white man, "the imprint of the faces pale. ".

The plantain, a herbaceous plant which is abundant in the orchards, wetlands, prairies, the edges of fields and ribazos. It is useful to the entire plant, although the parties are preferred carriers.

The gargarismos or rinses of plantain are a sure remedy against inflammation of the throat and 200 species of Plantago that are known, some are popular drugs like P. major; others do not move from weeds that are invading the fields of culture and sterilized the soil.

FEATURES: It is a perennial plant of about 60 cm tall. From the second year is a yellowish underground stems from which hangs a multitude of white rootlets. The leaves, big as the sole, born at ground level and develop vertically. Pale green, join the stem by a long petiole. On the lower side highlights seven nerviaciones parallel very robust. Just starting point from where the leaves emerge a few flower stalk whose top half is covered in small flowers without petiole, abundant, forming a reddish brush. The fruit is a small capsule which, when mature, opens transversely dropping the seeds it contains. He was also known as common plantain, plantain higher, Caramel and plantain.

LOCATION: Anywhere in the world can be found in the wild plants of the genus Plantago, but prefers temperate climates not too hot and cold. Many species are found in South America, especially in Mato Grosso. The greater plantain, abounds in the Eurasian continent and grows alongside roads in wetlands.

ACTIVE: Both the leaves and flowers and stems have a glucoside, the aucubina, along with tannins and minerals, and also rich in sulfur. The seeds contain abundant mucilage and a large quantity of oil.

MEDICINAL PROPERTIES: Basically astringent, meaning that shrinks the tissue, a good anti - inflammatory, antidiarrheal. It is useful, particularly in the treatment of hemorrhoids. It is also depurative and diuretic, and can be applied as vulnerary (even cure sores, wounds or abrasions of the skin)

COLLECTION: The leaves and root (underground stems) may be collected during the entire year except the two coldest months. The flower spikes during the spring, seeds somewhat later, before opening the capsules and stop falling.

USES AND APPLICATIONS: Anti - inflammation of the throat, sores in the mouth rinses are gargarismos or a decoction of leaves (50 grams per liter of water) The same decoction.

Can be applied on the eyes in cases of conjunctivitis or simple eye inflammations. To heal the wounds, tender leaves are applied directly once scalded. Against hemorrhoids, can be given baths seat or apply the ointment from cattle melt butter with crushed fresh leaves. In the Far East from the seeds is preparing a kind of jam used against abdominal pains.

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