malva malva silvestris

MALVES (malva malva silvestris) - HIPERnatural.COM
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malva malva silvestris
Other Names:

Alboheza, mauve.

This plant, a symbol of calm and gentleness, and was used by the Greeks over two millennia. Hippocrates recommended it as an emollient and laxative properties that have been proven and which remain valid at present.

Habitat: Common edges of the wet roads and fields across Europe. Naturalized in the American continent, especially in the United States and Mexico.

Description: biennial plant of the family of the Malvaceae of 20 to 70 cms. height, which draws attention for his pink purple flowers with 5 petals.

Used parts: flowers and leaves.

Properties and indications: the whole plant, especially the flowers and leaves, contains abundant mucilages. The flowers have a water - soluble pigment of the type of anthocyanins. The mucilages confer emollient properties and laxatives. Mucosal tapizando act with a viscous layer, protecting and irritation of the agents. The use of hollyhock is shown in the following cases:

Chronic constipation: acts as a laxative not aggressive, even in high doses, which lubricated the intestinal duct. It is recommended especially for children and the elderly.

Respiratory conditions: it has expectorant and antitussive effect, so it is prescribed in colds, flu, bronchitis, coughing and irritated or dry in case of asthma.

Affections of the mucous membranes and skin: Applied locally, helps heal the pharyngitis, the vaginitis, inflammation of the anus and rectum, the eczema, acne, the furúnculos, and in general, all surface irritations.

Use: in infusion or decoction of flowers and / or leaves, with 30 grams per liter of water, which takes 3 to 4 cups hot every day.

Externally, it applies the same infusion or decoction but more concentrated, is used in gargarismos, enemas and vaginal washing towels that are applied on the skin affected.

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