justicia spicigera

MUICLE (justicia spicigera) - HIPERnatural.COM
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justicia spicigera
The parties that are used throughout the country are the branches, leaves and flowers. The cooking of them is very useful as a treatment for blood pressure, purify the blood and syphilis; the branches of the crushed or mixed with hot cooking capulín, avocado, garlic, guava and snuff, such as washing, is for the skin; taking The morning cooking of the branches, alone or mixed with wormwood, guava and Melissa is used for digestive problems. In respiratory ailments like cough, flu and bronchitis are making the infusion of leaves as water usage. Other jobs are common MUICLE for headaches and kidney disease, anemia, dizziness, insomnia and for the desinflamación of strokes.

Plant that measured up to 2 meters high, with the highly branched stems and leaves elongated. Their flowers originate fruit - shaped capsule. Lives in warm climates, semi dry and mild. It grows cultivated at home and is associated with the tropical deciduous forest, subcaducifolia, subperennifolia, evergreen; Xeric scrublands, and forests of oak and pine.

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