jasonia glutinosa

TEA OF ROCK (jasonia glutinosa) - HIPERnatural.COM
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jasonia glutinosa
Other Names:

Tea Aragon.

The use of this tea is widely used in Spain in the territories of the former Crown of Aragon. His tea is very popular, and has a pleasant smell camphor, with a slightly bitter taste. Replaces preferable to tea together. Tea rock was not known by Dioscorides and other authors of classical antiquity, since no one grows up in the Eastern Mediterranean region.

Habitat: own in the Western Mediterranean countries. In Spain abounds in Catalonia, Aragon and Valencia, especially in mountainous areas of Mediterranean vegetation. It is found in the cracks of limestone rocks, which led to his name.

Description: perennial plant of the family of the Compound, consisting of a small woody vine from which emerge every year several stalks of 20 to 40 cms. tall. The whole plant is viscous and is covered with a soft hair. The flowers are yellow, very small, and are grouped into cones at the ends of the stems.

Parties used: leaves and flowering tops.

Properties and indications: Its composition is not well known, although it is known positively that contains no protein or caffeine. It has an essence that gives digestive properties, as well as abundant tannins that warrant its use as an antidiarrheal.

Digestive problems: popularly used in cases of empacho, indigestion, slow and heavy digestions, diarrhea and intestinal fermentation or putrefaction.

Nervous disorders: also a tonic, free of irritating effects on the nervous system, as with coffee or tea.

Use: make an infusion of the plant (20 to 40 grams. Per liter of water, which takes up to 5 cups a day, after meals.

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